In my experience Spanish speaking brothers adopt a more submissive approach toward the Society. Many of these brothers consult the elders on minor personal matters that they should be deciding for themselves. I know this is common among Witnesses in general, however, I think brothers from Spanish speaking congregations take it to the extreme. Do you agree?
Are hispanic Witnesses more submissive?
by Hiddenwindow 22 Replies latest jw friends
Less likely to openly confront and challenge authority figures within the congregation?
More obedient?
(that's hahahahahahahaha in english)
Si ... no hay duda.
Rub a Dub
¡Ay Chihuahua!
My husband was a hispanic Witness and I think he was more submissive. He mentioned too that he found his fellow hispanic friends to be more spiritual minded than the white folks, which in jdub world "spiritual" does mean submissive to the WT.
I think its a cultural thing. Spanish people are taught by their parents (mostly Roman Catholic) not to question people in spiritual authority. So they come into the organization with that mindset already firmly implanted in them. This makes it easier for the WT to control them. It may be the same with other cultures too.
At least this has been my experience. Peace, Lilly
As the culture is more focused on rank, it's seen as respectful to defer to authority figures, even in personal matters as the OP noted.
The poor education many received also contributes to the tendency.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I was raised a jw from about age 6 and spent most of the time in the washtowel in Spanish congs. What I noticed there and my dad would often "murmur" about was that the white brothers would be there to boss the Hispanics. They would dictate everything. The Hispanos could handle the cong but when it came to an assembly or anything like that, they had to have a white brother to answer to.
My hubby just came in from work; I asked him this Q and he basically agreed with my assesment but this is his answer in his own words;
Yes, hispanic JW's are more submissive and its because of their cultural upbringing. They are taught to respect authority and especially religious authority.
There you are, from the horses mouth. (or, one horse anyway). Peace, Lilly
It depends on culture. The Mexican brothers are very meek and humble, the Cubans are haughty and anarchic.
I said "brothers". LOL