How the WT will allow all to partake

by yknot 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Is this what you are thinking of, Bonnie and Clyde:

    *** w85 2/15 pp. 17-18 The "Other Sheep" and the Lord’s Evening Meal ***

    The Passover and the Memorial


    Some have suggested that the increasing great number of "other sheep" should partake of the emblems. Their reasoning is: Since "the Law has a shadow of the good things to come," and since one of the requirements of the Law was the keeping of the Passover by both Israelites and circumcised alien residents, this would imply that both classes of sheeplike ones in the "one flock" under the "one shepherd" ought to partake of the Memorial emblems. (Hebrews 10:1; John 10:16; Numbers 9:14) This raises an important question: Was the Passover a type of the Memorial?


    It is true that certainfeatures of the Passover observance in Egypt were undoubtedly fulfilled in Jesus. Paul likens Jesus to the Passover lamb, saying, "Christ our passover has been sacrificed." (1 Corinthians 5:7) The sprinkling of the Passover lamb’s blood on the doorposts and lintels assured deliverance for the firstborn within each Israelite home. Similarly, it is through the sprinkling of Christ’s blood that "the congregation of the firstborn who have been enrolled in the heavens" receive their deliverance, or "release by ransom." (Hebrews 12:23, 24; Ephesians 1:3, 7) Furthermore, not a bone of the Passover lamb was to be broken, and this also found fulfillment in Christ Jesus. (Exodus 12:46; Psalm 34:20; John 19:36) Hence, it is true to say that the Passover, in certain respects, was one of the many features in the Law that provided "a shadow of the good things to come." All these features pointed forward to Christ Jesus, "the Lamb of God."—John 1:29.


    Nevertheless, the Passover was notstrictly a type of the Lord’s Evening Meal. Why not? When the Passover was instituted in Egypt, the flesh of the roasted lamb was eaten, but none of the blood of the Passover lamb was eaten. In contrast, however, when Jesus instituted the Memorial of his death he specifically instructed those then present to eat his flesh and drink his blood, symbolized by the bread and the wine. (Exodus 12:7, 8; Matthew 26:27, 28) In this very important aspect—the blood—the Passover was not a type of the Lord’s Evening Meal.


    There is something else that should not be overlooked. Jesus discussed two related covenants with his disciples, "the new covenant" and ‘a covenant for a kingdom.’ (Luke 22:20, 28-30) Both covenants had to do with the partakers’ being in line to share as priests and kings with Christ Jesus. But in Israel no circumcised alien resident could ever become a priest or a king. In this respect, also, we find a distinction between the Passover feast in Israel and the Lord’s Evening Meal.


    So to what conclusion does this lead us? The fact that the circumcised alien resident ate of the unleavened bread, bitter herbs, and lamb of the Passover does not establish that those today of the Lord’s "other sheep" who are present at the Memorial should partake of the bread and the wine.

  • AGuest
    would find it difficult to give up this special status. It is part of their authority over other members even though they have downplayed the significance of it for those in the congregation who choose to partake at the Memorial. Leaders are always reluctant to give up any advantage they have over others.

    And this is the rub. It is by means of this (as well as a gi-normous plethora of other things) that they prove themselves NOT to be who they claim to be ("anointed"). For here, they severely overstep at least two of the commands of our Lord: (1)"he that is greatest among you must be LEAST among you; and (2) "Neither be called 'leaders' for YOUR Leader is one, the Christ."

    Rather, they PROVE themselves to be "the offspring of VIPERS"... of the "scribes" (writers/copiers of the Law) and "Pharisees" (non-priestly, religious "scholars" and "leaders")... whom my Lord condemned for, at a minimum, "seating [themselves] in the seat of Moses" (thus, falsely and wickedly making themselvesmediators between "Israel" and God), and "shutting up the kingdom of the heavens before men" - they are not going in, neither are they allowing those seeking to enter to go in.

    Besides being offspring of vipers... poisonous serpents begat by the Adversary... these are also cowardly "hired men" who, rather than protect the sheep from "wolves," - overzealous, hypocritical, hateful "elders" and "overseers" who ultimately "snatch and scatter" God's sheep - hand the sheep over to such.

    The task of TRUE anointed persons of God is two-fold: (1) to follow the Fine Shepherd, Christ, wherever HE goes, for HE loves the sheep and gave is life for them, (2) tell any who will listen the GOOD NEWS... about HIM... for HE is the "good news [of the kingdom]"... and (3) tell anyone who will listen how everlasting is actually obtained (i.e., THROUGH CHRIST, and as a result of (1) loving... even our enemies... (2) doing good to others, (3) doing to others as we would have done to us, and (4) following the commands of Christ, even down to (5) the small task and eating his flesh and drinking his blood, as he COMMANDED - John 6:48-58; Luke 22;19). Indeed, while Christ commended the Pharisees for giving the tenth of the mint and cumin, etc., he condemned them for overstepping the WEIGHTIER matters such a mercy, justice, and faith!

    These "hired men" have spend MANY years putting "the fear of God" into folks regarding eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ, so that TODAY... rather than follow the directive to eat from [the Tree of Life... which is the Christ] and drink [from the Rock Mass... that is Christ]... folks TREMBLE at the very thought and DO NOT DO IT! Thus, they have done their job!

    Think of it, the POWER they have wielded: the VERY thing that Christ gave to save us from death... his flesh and his blood... is the VERY thing... they have taught us NOT to do... the MAIN thing... they are concerned with keeping us FROM doing!

    THINK... OF... IT!! And then may your eyes be OPENED... so that you SEE who they TRULY are... and what "god" they TRULY serve!!

    May ANY with ears hear... and get the SENSE of it. May you also hear the Spirit and the Bride, who KEEP saying, down to this day:

    "COME! Take 'life's water'... FREE!"

    A slave of Christ,


    And may

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Blondie - that was the exact article. You are so quick....

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I can't see them allowing everyone to partake. It is too much of a class distinction ingrained in them. To partake actually puts you on their radar to be discredited and kept under close supervision.

    I think they will be here in 20 years too.

  • Fadeout

    mkr: Sooooo your taking the bet? Ok in $20 years you email me and we'll see who owes who $20! The real question is, in 20 years will there still be American dollars? ;-)

  • choosing life
    choosing life


    Sure, I'll take the bet. I'm afraid you might have to remind me in 20 years though. I'm not doing too good on remembering what I gotta do today right now.

  • Gayle

    Maybe they'll run out of wine before it passes through the congregation!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    I've got $20 says that the WT isnt' around in 20 years. At least not as it exist now.

    I'll take some of that action!

  • Borgia

    The fateful and desecrate slut may receive some new light based on rev 7. The 144.000 can still be maintained as a literal number because they are taken of a tribe. this tribe does not by necessity constitute only 12.000 people but will include many more since they are taken of the tribe, not the tribe as a whole. This again joins with Ez. 47:21-23 where sojourners will receive a place in the midst of the 12 tribes as an inheritance. Thus, they become full members of the nation as if they where born into that nation.

    Such an approach ties in better with Gal 3, Rev 7:14, John 3:16 - 18. It will explain why a smaller group goes to heaven and still the outlook for earthly life can be maintained. However, it makes the requirement and impact set out in 1 John 5: 1, 11, 12, 20 more easily to understand.

    However, since they've put the door open, if you'd like to partake, they are out of excuses to withhold you.

    Bon apetite.



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