Update on original thread from last week...
Elders Refuse to Testify (Update) - Case delayed 1 week.
by The Scotsman 25 Replies latest jw friends
its so sad that perpetrators are still protected by the JWs
Everytime I read this article it just proves to me how confused the JWs are, and I have elders in my family. What earthly reason would they have for protecting someone in a case like this?
The elders are taught that they are spiritual shepherds entrusted with the flock, so child abuse is just another spiritual sin to be dealt with internally.
They are taught to contact the Legal Dept. at Bethel, so immediately the normal processes of conscience - ie OMG a child molestor is on the loose, lets kill the b*stard, or at least call the cops - are subsumed to the dictates of Brooklyn.
How brainwashed they must be to go to court to protect a child molestor? Incredible.
ABSOLUTE BULL SHIT !!!! WHEN IS THIS GOING TO END!!? At some point some one at crooklyn is going to have to step up to the plate and leave these people out to dry. No more covering their asses with ecclesiatical priveledge. This was already knocked down in california. There is no clergy class in jw's , according to themselves. We all know it exists, they deny it and at the same time want the PRIVILEDGE!!!
Makes me sick to think that I once supported the arrangement.
This angers me so much
Prosecutors wants elders of the congregation to whom Simental allegedly confessed to testify against the defendant.But two of the men, John Vaughn and Andrew Sinay, have filed motions to quash subpoenas to appear, claiming Simental's confession is protected by religious privilege....Prosecutors claim the statements were not made in confidence to a minister --
I can hardly believe that this is the same organisation that I served for so many years. The elders that I worked with were regular family men who hated child abuse. If we had had a case, then we would have wanted to kick the sh**t out of him . I cannot see us shielding him from the law. But maybe? Who knows? If the Legal Dept really came heavy on the elders, it is very hard to go against what the "experts in the field" and the arm of the F & D S tell an elder to do.
I am sure though that if it had been me, and the secular law officers called me to testify, that I would have broken ranks, resigned as an elder and made a full statement. Your conscience has to win over the easy path of following orders.
wha happened?
This just doesn't end does it
If an elder did testify,,would he be disfellowshipped?
"If an elder did testify,,would he be disfellowshipped?"
Yes, if he defied legal dept. directive he has as good as thumbed his nose at The Almighty himself. Ultimately, the borg decides what your conscience should be.
In a very minor and non-public situation he would be removed from the body of elders. -
choosing life
I sure wouldn't want to be an elder with the jws now. They must be in a mess, if they have any conscience at all. They also did not report it to the police. Where did this happen and do they have a mandatory reporting law?
I'm sure they would be dfd if they broke ranks and testified, but where is their decency?