Some more gems from Garret Losch's assembly talk

by betweenworlds 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • still_in74
    "he mentioned as well that there will be literal celestial phenomenon as what happened between 66-70 CE when a comet appeared in the sky in jerusalem for a year in the figure of a sword"

    i think it was Josephus that wrote about a comet that appeared in the sky for about one year. The WTS has been refering to this event lately.

    I am unaware of any historical data to validate this.

  • AlphaOmega
    This came from a reply on a message board:

    Lol... I know which one you mean

  • Gayle

    It stops me right there, the request to not record a message of truth. That wouldn't disturb anyone to record. Just an 'alert' right there!

  • AlphaOmega
    It stops me right there, the request to not record a message of truth. That wouldn't disturb anyone to record. Just an 'alert' right there!

    That is acutally causing a bit of trouble among the JWs that I know... leading to rumours of an "elite class" and making people feeling a bit cheated.

  • real one
    real one

    i agree with the elder they do need to read their Bibles which they are certainly not doing

  • VM44

    If this talk contained such important information, why is it that they want to keep it "off the record"?

    Obviously they want this talk to be "forgotten" after a few years.

    We cannot allow that to happen. This talk HAS to be made part of the permanent record so that in the future the GB may be held accountable for the statements they have made.

    Losch cannot be allowed to get away with this!

  • Honesty

    41 years later and the cult still doesn't have a clue.

  • betweenworlds

    lol Alpha :D

    yup the one with all the talks. At this rate I won't be a member of it for much longer as I think he also scans this board from time to time. Oh wellz


  • minimus

    How can anyone believe in this bullcrap? They want to believe the priests are going to be killed, the churches will lose their bank accounts and everyone will be exposed EXCEPT of course---JWs!


  • llbh

    I have a wife and daughter still in. This hypocritical nonsense incenses me .



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