hey asphere did the wind swept you off your feet....you're too funny
I opened the first page and started reading, but all I could see was blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,......... the end.
by nvrgnbk 33 Replies latest jw friends
hey asphere did the wind swept you off your feet....you're too funny
I opened the first page and started reading, but all I could see was blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,......... the end.
I opened the first page and started reading, but all I could see was blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,......... the end.
I recommend that you stick with books that have pictures.
I agree, BizzyBee.
Lewis helped many to embrace Christianity and not feel so badly about it.
He uses lots of words and stuff.
I am a poached egg !
Download the book here:
I am a poached egg !
I've never read Mere Christianity. I do like C.S. Lewis though. What you posted sounds like a rather poor example of his writing. The Screwtape Letters, When We Have Faces, Chronicles of Narnia, etc. all have a Christian theme, but are interesting reading.
"Poached egg" ? I can't believe he made that analogy.
Yuuuuummmmmmmmm! Eggs Benedict, my favorite! I'd be a poached egg myself, but I'm only half-baked.
One more thought - Lewis faltered in his faith when his beloved wife died and wrote about it in his classic book on grief. He railed against a god who would so capriciously give such great joy (late in Lewis' life) only to take away after much pain and suffering. I admire his honesty and the way he did not swallow Christian rhetoric whole, but examined it in the light of rationality and real life.
Clueless: C.S. [Clive Staples] Lewis was an Irish author known for has publications in medieval literature, literary criticism, and Christian apologetics - his written defenses of Christianity. Lewis was a friend of J.R.R. Tolkein; both men were on the faculty of Oxford University. Lewis was the author of The Screwtape Letters and The Chronicle of Narnia, among many other publications. Lewis was baptized a Christian but later fell away as an adolescent. Under the influence of Tolkein, Lewis re-converted back to Christianity and wrote defenses of the religion. Lewis was also author of The Four Loves, a book that was assigned to me to read as a graduate student.