My Next Car ... and YOURS?

by compound complex 52 Replies latest social entertainment

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Quelle voiture MAGNIFIQUE! How do you Americans say, "Faster than a speeding bullet"?

    Sacre' Bleu!

    Merci beaucoup ...

    CoCo Baba

  • FlyingHighNow

    Co co, you aren't an American?

  • compound complex
    compound complex


  • FlyingHighNow

    Co co, are you an American?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    You could theoretically drive that car through a building they are sooo tough like my dads old Ford....but the body impact would be terrible.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Allo FHN:

    Yes, I am born in this wonderful country but grandparents they come to America
    at New York, Ellis Island. I lived at God's House and spoke my French to the
    sheep in the field service ...

    But now I better like the American auto mobiles than all else. That is the way
    with American guys, no?

    CoCo Convertible

  • compound complex
  • compound complex
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I have just completed a very extensive frame off restoration of Chairman Keller's 55 Imperial Convertible Prototype.I have uncovered a tremendous amount of information on this car from (3) ex-Chrysler employees who actually worked on

    my car in Central Engineering. One gentleman painted my car, one designed the one-off continental kit, and the third

    performed service on the car while Keller was using it. It has an Engineering Experimental VIN code "9999". I've

    also learned some things about the (2) 1956 Imperial Convertibles that exist. Imperial Division President Quinnand Paul Smith, Editor of Collier's Magazine were the first owners of these two cars. They were 1956 New Yorker Convertibles that Chrysler sent to George Barris in California to change the bodies to the Imperial style. Standard

    Imperial Newport interiors were used. They still both exist, and because they have New Yorker serial numbers,their production figures are lumped in with the New Yorker Convertible production figures. In contrast,there are many many special one-off features on the 55 Prototype that were never used on any other car.

    Some highlights include:

    * Four bucket seats * One off Continental Kit * Special severe wrap-around windshield with wind wings * Pedestal mounted 2-way rear view mirror * Consoles in the front and rear compartment * Personal thermos mounted in the rear Console

    * Many one-off white bronze cast emblems and trimThe list goes on and on.

    Chip Loree

  • compound complex

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