I have according to my computer a 149GB hard drive. That seems like an odd number to me. I'm not what you could call a computer expert or anything but I wonder if that's right. I though hard drive came in even numbered amounts like 80GB or 160GB. Not odd numbers like 149.
Ok now I have a question for you techy types out there. I have a 512MB memory hicky doo in my computer now. I looked at the Dell website and I can get up to 4 GB of memory. I have 2 memory slots and one is open right now. I could get another 512MB for a full GB or I could go bigger/faster and go with a 2GB or the 4GB memory hicky doo's. I read that they have to be paired up. So if I got a 2GB memory hicky doo I'd have to buy 2, 1GB memory Hicky doo's not 1, 2GB memory hicky doo's right??
Hicky doo = Name I can't remember for the part I'm talking about.
I have Windows XP as my OPS. How much is too much?? Can I expand my hard drive?? How big can I go?? Should I get 2GB of memory or should I get 4GB of memory?? I know memory is not the same as a hard drive.