I DAed myself then was DFed then was sponcered into the Elks Lodge.
I now pledge alegence to my country again pray for our leaders and help the poor and misfortunate of the city I live in which is Las Vegas , Nevada, USA.
It feels good to ask some one how are you doing without having an alternative motive of placing literature.
I also joined the Chamber of Commerce for networking and community service.
We just went to our first breakfast at the Elks lodge...guest what they were so friendly and put the JWs to shame. there were not any chiques (clicks) or hypocracy. I didn't hear any bad mouthing of any members. We ate at the table of the Grand Exalted Ruler he was more interested in us and and our getting settled in Las Vegas.
One point that started to eat at me as I got older and older was the attitude of the JWs to take everything that the government gives without giving to the government.
The death of our soilders meant nothing to JWs, because they might as well die today as die on the great day of God Almighty.
On this Veterans day day I am proud to be one and to given my time to my country as well as my God in behalf of all the free people in the USA. This may not be the best of all systemsb but it is as close to the best as we will get.
What I am trying to say is this unconditional love which is the order of most organizations is so much better than conditional love that is
king of the JWs brotherhood.