in the truth (as they say) were people really shocked at you leaving or thought of it as only a matter of time !
what did you get dissfellowshipped for and were you once "strong"
by looloo 21 Replies latest jw experiences
The hounders thought I was going to stay single (in fact, they enforced it by sabotaging my relationship with the opposite sex within the congregation). They were hoping that I would join the Value Destroyer Training School and rebuild the whole congregation, getting the whole world into the cancer. Little did they know that I turned apostate.
To this date, they think it's merely work that clashes with boasting sessions. I bet it's going to hit them like a ton of bricks when they see the Christmas decorations in my apartment, the Ouija board I have, and all the rap music where every other word is a swear word (including 50 Cent). They just cannot put two and two together--sabotaging my relationship with the opposite sex like they did deserves my sabotaging the Watchtower Society.
Smoking and no, I was never really strong. I did aux pioneer, but I did not agree with many of the teachings.
I was disfellowshipped for refusing to choose between staying with a physically abusive JW husband or remaining single after divorcing him. I was a regular pioneer for about the first 6 of the almost 7 years that I was in. I don't know if people were surprised when I got the ax, because I had no contact with anyone in the congregation after my disfellowshipping.
I was a super Witness - Elder, Assembly Overseer, Pioneer, Pioneer School instuctor, elder's school instructor, spoke at every circuit assembly and district convention for about 20 years.
People were pretty shocked when I left. In fact, a CO told me that when he told another brother in the northern part of our circuit that I had left the Witnesses, the brother pulled the car over to the side of the road and started crying.
I guess that was a typical reaction.
I've never been informed that I was disfellowshipped, though I heard it through the grapevine that it was announced that I was no longer one of JWs. They had a few reasons, but most likely because I was living with my girlfriend!
S4 -
I was an elder and shocked the entire circuit as I was well known. Still talked about 28 years later. I was df'd.
When I got DF'd when I was 16 I was very strong. I was aux pioneering at the time. And I was fornicating in my spare time. Everyone was shocked. I will regret the whole episode until I die, but only because the guy was a fool and SOB.
I wasn't disfellowshipped. And I didn't disassociate either. But the elders made the announcement that I was "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" after they failed dismally to respond to my research that completely disproved 607. It was much easier for them to sweep it under the rug.
I was a very strong Jehovahs' Witness - very integrated in the congregation, had my fair share of ups and down and doubts but always prayed that things would sort themselves out or there would be new light. Partied a little too hard sometimes but totally believed it was the truth.
It was a huge shock for everyone that knew me - no one believed I had done such a 360. I would like to think that they would realise it would have to be important for me to make the stand I did.
I got disfellowshipped for apostasy.
On the outside looking in, we were the "perfect" Jdub family. My stepdad was a MS, I had 4 younger sisters and a brother. At home, behind closed doors, it was hell. I raised my siblings. Mom was so depressed she rarely came out of her room. I knew more about what was going on with my stepdad's business than she did.
As I got to be 16, I started getting in trouble for things like "talking to the boys too much", blah, blah, blah....... Every time I'd get in trouble for something at home, like talking back, etc, there'd be an elder's meeting. My parents didn't raise me, the elders did. I was the one who "made the elders work for their titles!!"
There was also a secret in our family. My stepdad was drinking, and molesting me. Later when it did come out, I was told it was "my fault". It got swept under the rug.I snapped one afternoon when I found out there was to be another elder's meeting. I got ratted out that I had "rode around with a wordly boy".
Thru all this, I had secretly stayed in contact with my real dad. At one time the elder's decreed I could have nothing to do with him, since he wasn't a Jdub. Sooooo, when I snapped, I parked my parent's car at the hall, left a note, and ran away. It was the scandal they still talk about. I disappeared for 2 weeks. After that I went to Texas to live with my dad. When I came back a couple months later to get my clothes, an elder that lived down the road saw the car from Texas and came over. Wanted to know if "I still loved Jah". My answer "HELL NO he has done nothing for me." DF #1 happened.
A couple years later, after I had a baby, I missed my siblings so much, I got reinstated. Only took me 3 months. (not long at all) My stepdad pushed them to. At a meeting one night a couple months later my baby was crying. I was getting those "take her to the back and beat her looks". I snapped again. I remember the exact moment when I knew I'd never set foot in the KH again. I refused to raise my daughter like that. I also refused to meet with the elders, so they DF'd me AGAIN!!