"Pioneer " Witnesses to me in McDonald's Parking Lot / I Reverse Witness!

by flipper 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    So early this morning I had been working all night . Just got done eating MickeyD's in my truck , getting ready to take a nap before driving , and this JW young lady in her early 20's knocks on my closed window ! I put the window down and while forcibly handing the Watchtower to me just says, " Here is the Watchtower ! Thought you'd like to read it ! " So, I thought to myself ," she's not going to get away counting her time on me that easily - I'm gonna educate her and make her really EARN her time ! " LOL!

    So then I stated to her , " Well, if it's the Watchtower, I have family that's tried to get me to join- but I have real problems with you guys and how the Watchtower society hid the child abuse going on for decades in your church ! " Then I asked, " Did you see the NBC news reports in November about the out of court millions of $$$ settlements ? " She replied , " Yes ! And others in my congregation saw it too ! " This surprised me as most witnesses I had talked to were not aware of it. And then she told me something that totally surprised me . She stated, " In the meeting right after the NBC news release our elders read a letter from the society saying that the "child abuse situation had been handled , that it was an isolated circumstance , and that the situation was over and had been rectified. "

    After she told me that it led me to fully inform her of the Dateline program with Barbara Anderson and Bill Bowen revealing things in 2002 , and all the hiding that had been done of hundreds of abuse cases which had been swept under the rug. Also I informed her that Anderson and Bowen- although faithful JW's for years and in prominent positions were kicked out of the witnesses once they went public with the information about the abuse victims being unjustly treated. Told her even abuse victims and their relatives were DFed for reporting child abuse to the authorities ! So, I gave her the whole history of what had led up to these out of court settlements in 2007 ! I told her I got this information from news reports and the media .

    Her reaction was one of concern , and she understood and appreciated why I took my stand against the witnesses for disagreeing with how the child abuse cases were handled. She stated that ," having been raised in the witnesses herself, if she had heard all the details earlier it would have made her angry too . " She was really paying attention to me , but got the glassy -eyed look in her eyes when stating , " But my elder father and his brother who is an elder helps me have confidence in the elders because I know I can trust my uncle and dad as elders. I'm sure that the ones being bad are minimal . "

    So, I could see she was going to believe the illusion - however I left her with this thought , I said, " As you get older do yourself a favor though and please open your mind to think critically and watch things around you happening. The Jehovah's Witnesses are under " information control" which means all you are allowed to listen to or read is what they give you. And they try to suppress anything negative about the organization ; even if it's true , because they don't want to lose members. So, educate yourself and learn, it's what I did , and one reason I can't back up your organization." And I finished by telling her that I respect she has her views and beliefs, but please keep an open mind. Then she left and sat in her car with her partner for about 10 minutes and drove off . So, what do you think ? Do you think she may ponder on some things in the future ? She paid attention to what I was saying, but when some negative things were said , she would drift off with the glazed look in her eyes. As always , I look forward to and welcome your comments my friends ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • willyloman

    AI think any woman who would stroll through a parking lot by herself and knock on the window of a complete stranger and start a conversation about religion... is not going to be easily discouraged. But nice work on your part.

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    I think that any woman that would stroll through a parking lot alone and knock on car windows.... better have those two big "angels" standing behind her.

  • SirNose586

    Good for you Mr. Flipper. If anyone interrupts my nap I get angry, so I applaud your restraint.

    You know what's funny? That letter that she mentioned wasn't read at my congregation after the news story broke.

  • moshe

    Well, she must have been having some doubts or she wouldn't have stood there and listened to you, Flipper. Good job.

  • flipper

    WILLYLOMAN- Thanks Willy ! Yes, you are right. If she had enough courage and balls ( as the expression goes) to come talk to me - a complete sranger , about the witnesses , it would probably take a lot more than what I said to make her leave it.

    KNOCK KNOCK- Well, she did have a partner sitting in a car 40 feet away but I agree it is really taking a chance these days for a young woman to talk to strange men in public ! Especially one as strange as me ! LOL!

    SIR NOSE- Yeah. I thought it was weird that her elders read the societies " letter " to the congregation. I didn't hear of any other congregations reading a letter about the child abuse settlements from the WTS , did you ? Did any other posters hear about congregations who read a letter from the society about the child abuse settlements ? Let us know if you did

  • flipper

    MOSHE- Thanks,Yeah, well that's what I was thinking.She must have had doubts still. She said she trusted her dad and uncle who are elders - but I must have talked with her about 30 minutes, and she kept listening, and you know me - I'll keep talking ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    How can any JW think that the pedophile abuse has stopped, when their policies haven't changed?

    Flipper, I hope you opened the door, at least just a little for her, and start her God given brain to thinking, instead of marching to the JW drummers.

    I only wish, she didn't have a partner for her to talk to right away, to let what you told her sink in some more.

  • B_Deserter

    Apparently the big, strong angels by her side wanted her to hear this.

  • flipper

    HORRIBLE LIFE- I know what you're saying. I don't see how the witnesses think things have got better. I hope this young lady does open her mind in time too. Hope her partner didn'y diss her for listening to me.

    B_DESERTER- That's a good observation - the angels probably did want her to hear me

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