Twitch recommends:
Blue licorice
Dude! Who makes it and where do you get it??
I discovered licorice ice cream back in the late sixties when Baskin Robbins offered it for a while. Apparently market response was underwhelming, for I don't believe they offered it for more than that one summer – but I loved it. I also have fond memories of their Grand Marnier ice cream, available during the same period, which was also a concentrated dose of dark chocolate – in fact I ate them together more than once!
Today, I love pralines & cream, available in a few sugar-free versions, and coffee, which is not, for some stupid reason.
Oh, and don't forget Melona bars. The Wikipedia article praises "its smooth and rich taste of real melon flesh," but the label reveals that there isn't any. Damn convincing and delicious imitation, though.
gently feral