SORRY THIS POST IS SO LONG BUT I HAD TO TELL THIS STORY Like most of you here, I grew up as a J-Dub and have many memories of many extremely lame events that we had to endure (mainly because of some bone-headed elder, or holier-then-thou pioneer). I'll never forget probably one of the lamest things that took place growing up as a J-Dub. This one kid (bless his heart, he really tried hard to be cool) in a neighboring hall tried to throw a get-together for all of the young kids in the different local halls. There were a lot of kids and the age groups were from as young as 13 up to about 25 (plus older elders/pioneers to oversee the event). It was going to be at his parents house and there was going to be music and dancing. Like most JW things, you weren't allowed to have too much fun (wouldn't want Satan to sneak up on anyone while they were distracted by fun) so of course anything remotely enjoyable about this event was killed instantly. Because the crew of kids liked R&B and Hip-Hop (it was supposed to be a dance party after all) they played R&B/Hip-Hop music. But, the kicker was that it was all instrumental music (I have no idea how he even got all instrumental songs) with no lyrics what-so-ever. Even songs that didn't have swear words, sexual or violent lyrics he played as instrumentals. You can imagine how lame that was when he put the first song, and everyone was getting ready to sing along, and NOPE NO WORDS. Well, anyone whose ever listened to rap music without words, knows that the beat gets real repetitive after a while and the songs are pointless without the lyrics. But, that wasn't the worst part. There was alcohol that was served, but because it was JW gathering the amount was EXTREMELY limited (I'm talking probably ONLY 2 beers per person, at the most). So right before they actually even started playing the music, this one elder who was there (overseeing the gathering) made an announcement that he didn't want anything to get out of hand, so anyone who had been drinking wasn't allowed to dance (Don't want to have a big drunken orgy, with sexual, lyric-less rap music). So since just about everyone over the age of 21 drank, pretty much the only people that could dance were minors (or close to being minors). So, just when we thought that this "party" couldn't get anymore lame, the lameness was sent to a new level. As you can imagine, due to it being extremely difficult to find instrumental music, they ended up playing the same couple songs over and over again. Well, the elder had had enough of this demonic and lyric-less "worldly" rap music. So he put an end to the music and stopped the party ASAP. He started lecturing everyone about how the "beat" of the music could lead some "weak ones" into wrong thinking or immorality/loose conduct . So me and two other guys who were at this "wild party" left, went home, changed and a few hours later went to a real club downtown in our city (And in case you were wondering the DJ let the songs keep their lyrics). To bad we did this, because we stayed out so late that night at the "worldly" club, I overslept and didn't go to the meeting the next day (Sunday) and apparently missed the real entertainment of all the elders and parents "hounding" this poor kid because he threw a wild party with drinking and rap music. About two weeks later we had a local needs talk about not mimicking the "world" at Christian gatherings. The kid who threw the party told me later that he was privately reproved, for promoting "loose conduct". I can remember telling my non-JW co-workers about this and them telling me how "lame" that must have been (Only they didn't say lame, there was a lot more cursing involved)! Anyway, I know that I'm not the only one who experienced a "kill-joy" event as a JW. Please share some of your experiences, it will be interesting to see who has the worst (or best) funny stories to tell!
What are your lame memories of events growing up as a J-Dub?
by superman 11 Replies latest jw friends
one of my memories ???? hmmmmm ok ....
waiting desperatly for the song to come so i could ease the F#@KIN ANZIETY by pretending i needed to go to the toilet .........
feeling deppressed from a very young age and not knowing what it was.........
being told that when armagedon would come only faithful JW's would have a "protective bubble" around them.............
knowing that one day i would have to learn to opperate bulldozers to remove bodies after armagedon.............
being with a CO in a drive way whilst he told me that "those people are definatly going to die at armagedon" (this christian couple knew their bible very well)
One time we had a 50's themed party and got into trouble for doing the limbo.
Going camping in Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons in Utah, and doing the Watchtower after breakfast as a group. We would go with several other families. So we are all out there in our tore up clothes, dirty from playing and cleaning fish, studying the stupid Watchtower!
Anytime you had a get together you had to have a "Watchtower consideration". I hated trying to play sports with witnesses, because they wouldn't keep score, most of them were so pathetic they couldn't even catch or throw. Trying to play music for them was almost impossible, because EVERYTHING is WRONG or SEXUAL. I was in a "witness band" while I was still in, but "on my way out", and at band practice we'd play all kinds of songs, but for the "gig" (aka get-together) we had to play songs that the "elder drummer", "Ministerial servant bassist" and "pioneer singer" felt were appropriate. Somehow "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" was appropriate, but ZZ Top's "La Grange" was not appropriate, so we did one and not the other. We did some Fats Domino and some Chuck Berry, but most of the songs were "90's pop garbage". Afterwards at both of our "shows" we were questioned about our lyrics and music, RIDICULOUS!!!!
I hated going to my friend's hall with him because on Saturday afternoons after service we'd have a "Watchtower study with movies" at a young elder couple's house. All the teens in the hall were "invited" (expected to go) so we'd have to study and read all the scriptures all afternoon, and then watch some G or PG rated movie. The time I picked it was "The Nutty Professor" with Eddie Murphy, and it was turned off within 20 minutes, so played some stupid winking game. Oh how I don't miss those days.
How can anyone be promoting loose conduct by playing music without any lyrics? The beat does not promote anything, especially since it's the swearing, sex, violence, and drugs that make much rap "dirty" (and any rap with gunshots would have been left out). And, what is wrong with dancing? Even if you had a beer or two? What are they afraid of, that someone is going to do fornication?
I wonder if they liked the worldly club better. That sure sounded like more fun, even before the hounder tried to put his foot in it. More alcohol. More dancing. The rap music actually has the swearing left in. And you get to miss the boasting session the next day.
Maybe someone should have offered that hounder some weed. Maybe he would have changed his mind after a hit or two.
The Doc 58
Everything was lame. My group of jw friends never did anything really bad, but were in trouble all the time. Constantly talked to about playing music in a band, alcohol on our breathe, even when we didn't drink, and all sorts of other bull shit. We really had to will our way to have a fulfilling social life.
Oh the lame times, it really brings me back.
I remember how I would look forward to playing Manhunt all week. We were 16 and 17 at the time and were playing with people as old as 25. If I was playing Manhunt with a bunch of teenagers 2 years ago, seriously shoot me.
We used to have to sneak violent games to play (this was when Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat was all the rage).
I can't say the not drinking and so forth were lame because I don't drink now, but being prohibited from performing in any vain is pretty lame.
Hi everyone,
I didn't grow up in the org. but my kids did until ages 9 and 11. My daughter went to a get together with other girls from the kh when she was about 10. It was a dress up party and they were going to play games and have cake. When she came home she told me how lame it was that they had to dress up like bible characters. And she wanted to be a fairy princess. Also it was asked what game the girls wanted to play and my daughter said "hang man", which was a favorite of hers to play with her brother. Well, she said everyone gasped and the jw mother who threw the party told my daughter that hang man was a demonic game. But if they wanted to, they could play the opposite which was "resurrection man". But my daugther declined. Anyway, she said this party was like being at a meeting at the kingdom hall.
Peace, Lilly
some of the lame
my father being bollocked for allowing the kids that went to an assembly with us to play football in the lunch break
my father being bollocked for allowing the same kids to go skating with other jw kids after it had ended.
the kids being bollocked for daring to say they'd enjoyed the footie and skating before theyd said how much theyd enjoyed the assembly and read out their notes.
my father being bollocked for joing in and allowing us kids to have piggyback races back from the beach (lewd behaviour unbecoming christians)
my mother setting the elders on my dad for weighing his potatoes (veg biz) in the kitchen and making potato dust
the elders turning up when my parents were arguing (prolly called by my mother)
elders coming round to councel my dad about his drinking. no brownie points for guessing who always dobbed him in.
my friend being excluded and turned away from gatherings as it was decided he was gay, as he lived in bedsit in the same building where a gay man also had a room. as he was turned away from any form of gathering he had gone to the pub with the gay man...ergo he MUST be gay.
the bolt falling apart while i was in the loo at the hall.....missed quite a bit of the meeting prolly worth the beating .
shivering in my bed under the covers when the firestation siren went off at night (might be armageddon)
the dirty minds digging for sin factor where there was none, dirty minds inventing it where it didnt exist.
the child training implements wooden spoons and hairbrushes i was so familiar with.
my littlun not being able to watch casper round her nans as it was suddenly deemed demonic.
the top my daughter wasnt allowed to wear as it was deemed whorelike (thin strip of belly button showing).
my daughter being good enough to be taken to meetings and play with jw kids
only to be picked on in school yard by same jw kids as i was disfellowshipped.
my toilet trained toddler sitting in the car for hour and half drive while i was taxiing my mother to her elder boyfriends housebut not allowed in the house to use the toilet as she'd only go in with me and my presence would have offended the jw in the house. (my littlun had to use the gutter as she was busting)
good enough for picking up food for wedding reception, to unclean to attend the wedding reception (blessng in disguise, more orange juice)
the evil.....
my mother telling my daughter not to tell about the beatings at the hall etc else mummy would stop her visiting.
my mother telling my daughter not to tell about going to the meetings and to lie about where she'd been after i'd explicitly said no more of those (after the school incident) unfortunately the beatings didnt come to light till much later.
my aunt putting her foot in it and saying how disgusted they all were with one particular beating my mother gave my daughter at a hall they were visiting, yet no one had mentioned it to me previously (ever).when i asked her why none of them stopped my mother she couldnt answer.
when i asked my aunt why no one had informed me of my daughters ill treatment, she had no answer for that either.