Greetings and warm wishes to everyone out there... This is my first post here on the site, though I have spent many countless hours as a guest reading and reading your posts and conversations. They have been a great encouragement to me, who as a young woman was disfellowshipped from the Society about nine years ago. A little about me: I was raised in a JW family from a very early age. My father has been an elder for longer than I can remember and the rest of my family is very devout with the exception of my youngest brother. Growing up I thought that I was very strong in the "truth", participating in meetings, assemblies and even having a part in a district convention. I was even an auxillary pioneer up to just before my disfellowshipping. I won't bore you with the details, but needless to say I found that I did not believe wholeheartedly in the Society's claims and teachings. I slowly drifted away and was disfellowshipped. Since then I have had many years to come to terms with the shunning and abandonment my family has been forced to deal me. In turn I have witnessed (from a distance) their incredible pain and torment in doing so. There is no one in the world who can understand how horrible shunning truly is unless they have experienced it. The cruelty of the persecution that Jehovah's Witnesses inflict on someone is incalculable, who simply for intellectual reasons does not share the beliefs that the Society teaches. Over the years I have found the freedom to express my thoughts, to learn and listen to new ideas without the fear I was raised with as a JW. There is great freedom and peace in this, however, there is one wound that never seems to heal and that is the loss of one's family and friends. I have been greatly encouraged by your conversations and discussions here and they have inspired me to start my own blog in the hopes that by writing about my experiences I may find an avenue for putting the past to rest. Anyway, I'll stop before I write a novel :) I just wanted to say hello and let you know how much I appreciate this site and all your comments. "Moxie"
Intro: disfellowshipped as a teen in 1999
by Moxie 32 Replies latest jw experiences
Heya Mox :)
Lovely intro. Welcome aboard.
*waves to fellow Canuck*
Glad you are here, and thank you for sharing your experiences. Welcome to the board!
Wasanelder Once
One of the finest introductions I've read here. Welcome and blog away. W.Once
Nice post Moxie, thank you for sharing. I agree, the loss of friends and family is a wound that never seems to heal. **sigh**
I'm glad you joined us and look forward to your posts.
Welcome Moxie ,
Enjoyed your post.....
I personally have not had to deal with this situation, many here have similar stories tho. I am sure they will be able to offer you encouragement and support in helping you to deal with your pain.
Hope you stick around, look forward to learning more about you.
Sarah Smiles
Hello, happy to see you here!
Thank you all for your warm welcome! I too am looking forward to getting to know you better. Thanks for your kind words. "Moxie"
I feel the pain you speak of within each hour of each day!
And the WT claiming it is our fault in some way for not doing as we're told by them makes them deliberate inflictors of harm!
They know this from generations of humans!
They claim divine laws!
They deny all their non divine mistakes!
Divinity would not make a SINGLE mistake if it were in our midst!
You are correct to see what they are!
They are hoodwinking millions with 'nice ideas' based on their GODLINK which we know is a LIE!
Always remember ONE lie is what they say SATAN did to cause all the worlds ills!
It's why you feel all the ills in your family!
And I no longer even see a satan - just a lot of people trying their best to make the most of life we have amongst some who get what they can!
Disfellowshipping was your graduation that non of your family came to!
Congratulations for passing with flying colours - many haven't managed it and are stuck in WT colllege!
Mrs Smith
Hi Moxie. Welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing part of your story.