Did You Consider Yourself a "Good Witness"?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Were you considered by others as "the cream of the crop"?

    Did you view yourself as a pillar in the congregation or were you "spiritually weak"?

  • Velvetann

    Definitely I was spiritually weak, I just couldn't get into it. Not proud to admit that but I inherited the religion, it wasn't something I chose myself.

    My parents were pillars and spiritually strong.

  • R.Crusoe

    I was very strong spiritually for the time I commited to Jesus and his father wholeheartedly! But it was too idealistice and more like the preach jesus lives frame of mind and heart that noone had!

    Then I realised I was on my own and even my wife had a completely different reality tunnel!

    It screwed me up, at a deeply personal level, for decades afterwards!

    Now I dont even think of Jesus as any more than a regular male!

  • alanv

    I'm now ashamed to say that I and a friend of mine were treated as the 'cream of the crop'. We both gave up good jobs to be regular pioneers and book study servants. Then when my friend moved away I continued to ' reach out' and was appointed the magazine servant then the literature servant and then asked to audit the accounts. I was used on assemblies as a good example of hearing the 'truth' and giving 100% to Jehovah. Thankfully it didn't last and I and my friend realized we had both been conned big time. I now do all I can to help others that look like they may make the same mistake as me.

  • minimus

    When a JW believes they are "special", it's even harder to just up and leave.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey Minimouse!

    I could not have been a good JW because I was a Bible Christian, not a Publications Hawker. I was respected in the congregation, but I've never regarded myself too highly.

    My comeback now (to any who might inquire as to my current status vis-a-vis loyalty to JWism) is that of an elderly brother, quoted years ago in a WT publication. When asked by someone if he were a Witness, he humbly replied: "Not a very good one."

    Currently, I am not a very good Witness either!

    CoCo Contrite

  • lovelylil

    We were the model jw family. Hubby and wife both in. Hubby a MS on his way to elder. Wife a full-time pioneer who did not work outside the home, had 7 bible studies, most of which came to the hall. Two kids, boy and a girl both in the school by age 9 and unbaptized publishers.

    Now we collectively are known as the "devil incarnate". Lilly

  • minimus

    I'm not a very good JW either.

  • R.F.

    I was viewed as real asset to the congregation. It had become rare in this area to see young males pioneering, along with being an MS, so I was considered to be an example for other young ones.

    Now i'm considered a "wounded sheep".

  • Casper

    I didn't totally buy into it all... (too many little things bothered me, & I asked too many questions sometimes).

    But, I did "toe the line" and was faithful in even the smallest things, to the point that it was driving me insane.

    The stress of it got to be too much. So yeah, I was a "Good" witness...


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