Gosh darnit, this is my attempt to pull off a Minimus-esque thread that will eventually die, but just a question that has been dragging around in my head as of recently. I've been on this psychoanalytic kick for some time (for such a time that I know 'psychoanalytic' is not the right term to use but it fooled enough of you when I said it, and that's all that matters)- especially about family dynamics, patterns, and relationships.
I've been analyzing myself recently and more importantly I've been thinking about myself and the history of my relationships with those I love. Everybody here is a group of smart folks so I won't even bother to explain the story of Oedipus, Oedipal complex/Electra complex, or triangular relationships for that matter because its all so confusing, but the gist of them al is that everything that we have done or feel or go through is connected to the relationships we have with our parents and how we were raised.
Hey you, homewrecker? You keep finding yourself outside of other people's relationships... why are unavailable people so attractive to you. Cold you be possibly making up for the fact that nobody as a child really loved you and the relationship you are really trying to breach is that of your parents? I know I know, it seems like a stretch and too simplistic to base a person's total personality off of the relationships they had with their parents/siblings and so on, but to me I just can't help but not to, especially when the same thing keeps happening over and over again.
For instance, I find it too coincidental that my mom had the same number of kids that my grandmother had, with the same age difference she has with her own brother. I also find it coincidental that even though my sister and I do not share the same father, the two are similar except for minor details... and when you look at them those details pretty much boil down to her own father. *shrugs*
P.S. I on a Freudian-Lacanian kick right now so just humor me- Can you note any continuing patterns in your life or in your family that happen that couldn't have just "happened" without some deeper reason or meaning?