...used false prophets or false prophecies to fulfill His purpose on Earth? Would Jesus approve of using false hopes/false expectations?
I ask this, not just to all here on this board, but to any lurking Witnesses.
Because according to the WT 10/15/54 QFR, pg. 638-9, about how they arrive at the "truth", they state:
"Even the erroneous viewpoints held by Jehovah's witnesses during the first world war served their purpose in contributing to the fulfillment of prophecy, for Jehovah had long ago foretold a condition of spiritual uncleanness upon his people at that particular time and the cleansing work that would be done. Hence such things are to be expected according to prophecy and their occurrence is a confirmation that this is Jehovah's organization, rather than a cause for raising question concerning Jehovah's use of the organization."
How in the h*ll do erroneous viewpoints "serve their purpose"? Also, from the Christian Scriptures, where is it foretold that His people would be in "a condition of spiritual uncleanness...at that particular time"?
If someone can please point out where in the Christian Scriptures Jesus used false hopes to encourage people to become his disciples, I will gladly retract my questions.
(BTW, how sneaky is it of them to state at the end that the question is NOT whether or not they are God's Organization, rather it's the question concerning "Jehovah's use of the organization".)