So here is the dreaded 11/1/1989 Puketower article. This is the one that said "You are not going to do fornication, and you are not going to marry outside the cult". Effectively, this has killed many a dream marriage, and stopped people from having any fun.
Oddly enough, the opening paragraph tells us that Jehovah is not out to bust up our fun. That is a classic set-up, reminding one of the double-donation scam they tried to pull in 1990. It is telling us that Jehovah wants us to enjoy our youth, setting the reader up to think it's not asking anything more than is reasonable out of us.
The next 3 paragraphs do start to put stipulations on this, however. There are those rules about keeping morally clean, and that Satan (that is, everything outside the organization) is putting pressure on us to mess up. The article tells us that we have to maintain those standards in order to be accepted by Jehovah. The next couple of paragraphs then set the stage by telling us that there are movies that glorify mayhem and promiscuity, depicted in the most negative light possible.
About paragraph 6, you might wish to take a break to get your puke buckets ready and protect your computer keyboard.
Now, it is telling us that another source of temptation is peer pressure. After setting such a negative tone, it is going to say that people having normal sex relations as teens is wrong. The article attempts to continue to carry on the extremely negative line of thinking about this, comparing normal dating with violence, mayhem, drug dealing, and wild promiscuity. Normal sex desires are now being seen as something unwholesome, something to be fought. True, worldly people sometimes fight them, but it leads to repression and is not healthy by a long shot. A side effect is that it tends to cut off people from worldly people, and thus protects the unity of the cult.
Now, paragraph 8 tells us that people need to hate what is bad--including what the Watchtower Society says is bad. Remember, these are totally natural desires that are being fought, not some artificial desire (things like using drugs, mayhem, and other acquired desires that are not normal). The article even says that these youths "love what is bad" (they do love what is good, but they do not reject what the tower says is bad). Note that these are the same youths that have been pressured to get baptized at ages 12-14 (and, in some cases, as young as age 6--this article was printed in 1989).
The next several paragraphs now exploit this newly created "need" (to fight off natural, healthy feelings) to sell littera-trash. The Young People Ask articles in the Asleep! magazines come to mind, as does the piece of trash titled Your Youth--Getting the Most Out of It. These have articles about avoiding porn, sexually explicit (and often only mildly so) books and music, masturbation, and even thinking about sex (which is normal in teenagers). Of course, the "solution" is more field circus, time at boasting sessions, and more theocraptic "privileges".
Paragraphs 12-14 put the guilt trip on those who let their natural desires have healthy outlets. God's laws, as stated by the tower, are supposed to protect us (but all they protect is the ability for the Watchtower Society to use us in the Value Destroyer Training School). Of course, the Watchtower Society uses the specious argument that a loving Creator would not make laws that rob us of enjoyment (there is no proof that our Creator is loving--for sure, a spiteful Creator would make laws that rob us of enjoyment, and consequences solely to enforce those laws).
And it goes past this to state that people should not marry to fulfill our sexual needs, at least until past the "bloom of youth". What they really want is for everyone to pioneer, go to Beth Hell (remember, this is before all the layoffs), and join the Value Destroyer Training School so the whole world would be pulled into the cancer. What they mean by "past the bloom of youth" is that we should be past the point where we would get the full enjoyment out of sex. If we can do it and enjoy it, we are still in what they term "the bloom of youth". No, you will not see anything by the Watchtower Society to back it up, but the hounders like to keep pushing marriages back and busting them up to get more out of the people.
From paragraphs 15-18, the article even tells us to deaden the very desire--a totally natural desire that is bad for one's health to deaden! It was put there for a reason, and now they want to kill it! The article tells us that we should shun music with sexually explicit (even mildly so) lyrics, movies with suggestive themes, and even thoughts. I remember one comment at this point that single people should even stay away from beaches! (I guess they cannot be out in field circus while at the beach). And it tells us not to even mention it among ourselves (which is why it gets mention at judicial hearings, and they demand extreme details of what went on in the bedroom).
Finally, Part One of Busting Up Your Dreams ends with implorations to study the Watchtower more, and go out in field circus. That's right, you are supposed to redirect natural sex drive into field circus. You will therefore be substituting field circus for sex.
OK, so you lost your lunch on the first article. Well, folks, it gets even worse in the second article in the same Puketower.
The second article starts with someone that lost a spouse in an accident (perhaps while on the way to a boasting session or out in field circus? It doesn't say.), and is now longing for a replacement. This sister finds a mate in the world. Of course, this is portrayed in the most negative light possible--as growing weaker spiritually. This natural desire is, once again, starting to get put down.
Next, the article compares marrying an unbeliever with putting a donkey and a bull in the same yoke. I wonder if the same idiot came up with the college equals shooting oneself in the head illustration, but it doesn't make any more sense. The paragraph cites the damage that such a marriage will cause, as stress--but what it doesn't say is that this is the stress of being in a cult in the first place. No wonder they don't want anyone marrying outside--they might see the stress as originating from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger itself!
Now the rationalizations. Many of the people outside the tower are nicer than those in (perhaps because they do not have the added stress of following the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, they can celebrate without a guilt trip, they have decent jobs, they don't waste all their money out in field circus or in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, and they don't have to worry about whether entertainment is about to be formally banned in the next few months). Not everyone smokes, uses foul language, or is physically or emotionally abusive. They are worried that, if people are allowed to marry out of the cult, they will see that worldly people are nice and productive--often more so than witlesses.
Now it explicitly cites the reasoning that a sister's youth is passing by. The fact is, until and unless we develop technology that will allow one to remain young forever or gain back our youth, the female clock starts running down. If she doesn't have children before age 45 or so, the chances of having children at all diminish quite rapidly and it becomes riskier to have them at all. But, that article is clear that it doesn't matter--you are to wait on that Almighty Tyrant that does not give a fxxx about your having children (especially if you can pioneer, go to Beth Hell, or for men join the Value Destroyer Training School).
Paragraph 8 tries to soothe us that God paid a high price, a sacrifice for many, for our salvation and cites that as "proof" that He wants the best for us. What it doesn't tell us is that this is a pay one price sacrifice. The marginal cost for your salvation is precisely zero. It did not cost Jehovah anything extra for you to gain salvation. And, that wouldn't provide any proof whatsoever--if Jehovah is a malicious jerk, He would have been able to provide this provision solely for the pleasure of seeing us suffer as our lives rush by and we are unfulfilled. Either way, the article fails to prove that Jehovah actually wants the best for anyone but Himself.
The nex few paragraphs tell of the problems that result when one partner is in a cult. Friction results when one sees it objectively and the other is blinded by the cult. There is even a risk that the unbelieving mate can pull the "believer" right out with sound logic. The paragraph points to the specious logic in the Bible about righteousness and lawlessness, light and darkness (what does that have to do with two people of different faiths marrying?). What it doesn't tell you is that the witless is actually the lawless one (initiating coercion and fraud against people to join, pedophile defense, "theocratic warfare", etc.) and darkness (I had my "light" turned on when I saw my first apostate web site). I think they want people to not have any way of seeing the truth about the cancer.
Next, they tell us that children in a divided household will risk favoring the world. Why? The unbelieving mate will not always stand for the believer and have the children go to the boasting sessions, get baptized at age 6, or going out in field circus when there is homework or a field trip in school. And, the children will get more than one viewpoint--even a Catholic viewpoint is likely to be superior to the witlesses. Given the choice between meeting/service and having normal fun, most people will choose the fun. And there is the chance that the children will see the Bible more objectively. They might even end up going to college and getting decent jobs, not a penny of the income of which going into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. What a horror!
Next, there are common questions. What happens if a witless marries a worldly person who later comes into the cancer? The answer is that they are still disobeying the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, and therefore still wicked . It could "stumble" someone else, and give us a guilty conscience later. The real reason is that it would disqualify us from the Value Destroyer Training School and Beth Hell, and possibly from becoming pioneers or hounders.
Paragraph 18 is the real puker. You are attracted to someone that is studying. The paragraph tells us to wait until some time after the suitor is baptized, without telling us how long is "enough" or "some time". This is commonly used to take someone out from under our feet. They might wait 6 months, and Brother Hounder will say "Not long enough". A year? Still not long enough. The hounders know that, if they keep that going long enough, the person is going to find someone else and the single brother that had his eye on her will then be herded into the Value Destroyer Training School. And they gained a member, using the natural sex drive. If that didn't make you puke, then maybe you are immune to puking on this sort of material.
It closes on letting your clock run out before marrying a worldly person. A 36 year old sister is determined to stay faithful to the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger instead of marrying out of the cancer. That is a fine waste of youth, and this sister is now a 54 year old (or 55) single maid, probably pioneering and will grow old and childless, destitute, and probably die in her late 60s of something that should have not happened.
It seems to me that the real reason for these two trash articles is to extort people into staying celibate and single, so they can serve more. Funnel the real desire of sex into the worldwide work. Get single men into that dreadful Value Destroyer Training School. Get singles into pioneering. There isn't time any more for marriage and things like that (the upcoming article on Valueless Things will expound on that).
For sure, fornication can produce consequences that are not good. But those consequences are nowhere near as dire, or frequent, as the Watchtower Society wants you to think. You could cause a pregnancy--if you get a decent job, you will be able to support that child better than those window-washers and toilet scrubbers that write these articles. You could get a disease, but the chances are not as bad as they want you to think. And, growing old and celibate can be worse--you die heavy of heart, knowing you had opportunities that were Tower'd out. And, growing old knowing you had a share in pulling the whole world into the Cancer is worse than AIDS.
Next time they rely on crap like this to kill any opportunities for me to do fornication or marry outside the cancer, the littera-trash will end up in the shredder.