1. China has a horrible human rights record.
2. They are evaporating the US economy.
Stop buying. Tell your store manager you won't buy their products.
by joelbear69 31 Replies latest social entertainment
1. China has a horrible human rights record.
2. They are evaporating the US economy.
Stop buying. Tell your store manager you won't buy their products.
You neglected to mention the poor quality of the products. Not one Chinese made product I bought lasted more than one year.
Noble idea. Nearly impossible. Ipod anyone?
So I guess your going to trashing your computer today? Also I have had plenty of things made in China that lasted more then a year. During our indusry boom we were the big joke for shitty products.
Like Priest said, almost impossible. I totally agree in principle, though. If only US corporations would move some of their manufacturing operations back to this country. Or even Mexico- they're so much closer, it's logical to think that Millions of $'s could be saved in shipping alone by moving ops south of the border. Plus, those folks need help...There was a time when we made EVERYTHING in this country. Now we hardly make anything here. Sad. -Potential
This should stop anyone from buying a Chinese car
Nothing personal, but . . .
1. China has a horrible human rights record.
Fair comment . . .
2. They are evaporating the US economy.
So it's ok to buy from other way smaller countries with appalling human rights records and dreadful sweatshop arrangements as long as they don't evaporate the US economy . . .
It's called an open market. Maybe all US companies should set the lead by refusing to have any goods manufactured there then you wouldn't have to buy them . . .
Consumers run the marketplace.
If we stop buying, companies will stop having things made in China.
Walmart's shelves will be bare.
Rub a Dub
World economy, we import and export.
Stop buying american products, we invaded Iraq for no reason and ruined our economy, three trillions will be spend there.
Each one of us in the Us could have been millionaires with that kind of money spent.
Remember politics and religions should never be discussed