by badboy 11 Replies latest jw friends
I believe that I saw an article saying that they could chew COLA nuts... and then another article saying that they couldn't.
Maybe the same applies.
don't you mean Coca leaves?
Wordly Andre
I go COO COO for Cocoa Leaves
Coca is a plant in the familyErythroxylaceae, native to north-western South America. The plant plays a significant role in traditional Andean culture. Its leaves are used by Andean cultures for medicinal and ceremonial purposes, and consumed for their mild stimulant effects either by chewing or as an herbal tea. Coca leaves are also the raw material from which the stimulant drug cocaine is extracted by a chemical process.
Coca should not be confused with the similarly named South American Cocoa bean from which chocolate is made.
(got that from a search on Wilkepedia)
tried to remove the links but couldn't.
I'm trying to find a place to buy some in florida. If I find some ,I'll will try to chew them and let you know.
I used to be a JW.
Wordly Andre
My wife is from South America, she said that in her country the Indians sell it in a tea, and they chew it like gum.
Same as smoking. Lots of references on WT CD including w72 10/1 591-600 - "YourConscienceandYourEmployment"
Again, the Bible does not mention the chewing of betel nuts, coca leaves or the chewing, snuffing or smoking of tobacco. Some persons have said: "Until you show me something in the Bible about the use of tobacco [or similar products], I will keep using it." But might not one just as well say that, since the Bible does not specifically forbid throwing garbage into your neighbor’s backyard, there is nothing wrong in doing so?21
The Bible certainly does provide us with principles to guide us in this matter. The inspired apostle wrote at 2 Corinthians 7:1: "Since we have these promises [of being accepted by God as his approved children and servants], beloved ones, letuscleanseourselvesofeverydefilementoffleshandspirit, perfecting holiness in God’s fear."22
"Holiness" means the quality of being clean, bright, untarnished and devoted to sacred uses. Can the use of betel nut and its befouling effect on the user’s mouth and teeth, or the defiling effect that coca leaves and tobacco are recognized as inflicting on the user’s body, be harmonized with this Scriptural injunction? The greatest commandment is to ‘love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.’ Can one say one is serving God with one’s ‘whole strength’ while using products denounced even by national governments as seriously damaging to one’s health? Or, if one becomes addicted to coca leaves, can one say one is serving Jehovah with one’s ‘whole mind’? Really, is not the using of such things an acting ‘contrary to nature,’ subjecting the body to abuse it was never designed to take?—Mark 12:29, 30; Rom. 1:26. -
I can buy coca leaves from a local health shop in the form of a tea. Its a mild stimulant like coffee. There is a rumour that if you put some in your mouth with bicarb soda you get a bit of a hit.
Yeeuuw no thanks.
I bet the jw missionaries use medication when in higher altitudes to stop getting sick. That is what this amazing plant can do naturally. It's a shame that it gets concentrated into "Bolivian marching powder" ...cocaine