I hope that billboard is a total waste, and that no one responds.
I wonder when we are going to start seeing widespread lawn decorations for the REJECT Jesus party. You know, the ones with the fake plates of plastic crackers and glasses that look half full of spoiled grape juice on big tables, with fancy looking tablecloths (which I hope get extremely dirty when they appear). The Watchtower approved picture of the Lord's Evening Meal. The New World Translation of the "Holy(??)" Scriptures hanging on doors and prominently displayed on tables with the emblems (which I hope get soaking wet).
I hope I never start seeing that on a national basis. For sure, I would never display such wasteful crap on my yard or apartment--if I find one of those pictures or Bibles on my door, it's coming down and ending up in the dumpster, busted. If I find another, they are going to have a miserable time taking down the Christmas wreath I am putting up to prevent them from putting another Crapmorial item up.