I added a couple of questions I would like to know the answers to in a topic that has now become buried on the back-list, so as they haven't been picked up I am trying again by starting a new topic.
(If the forum administrator is reading this, would it not be better to use the common system that if new posts are added to old topics, they jump to the head of the list? Sorry if I am going over old ground but I am new here.)
My questions were:
1. I understand JWs are not prepared to fight for their country, work for the Government or local authorities, serve on a jury, vote, salute the flag or honour national traditions,etc. This is apparently an attempt to be 'in the world but not of it'.
So do JWs accept state pensions and social security payments and benefits? I understand they pay taxes so I assume they do accept state benefits with a clear conscience, but it seems very selfish to just pick and choose the bits of the system they like and leave out the bits they don't. Taxes are required by law but accepting benefits is not obligatory. I do understand the rights of conscientious objectors, but JWs don't make an effort to positively contribute to society in any other way I can see.
Also, there is a new issue in today's world, as in the West we are all part of the "War on terror". This involves helping to defend our respective countries in various ways such as watching out for suspious looking bags left on railway stations etc. Taking the JW anti-war stance to it's logical conclusion, if a JW saw a suspicious package and did his moral duty and reported it to the authorities, would he technically be participating in the "war on terror"?
2. Although JWs do not vote, I assume many of them must have private political views. Are these ever expressed amongst the congregation in conversation, or do they carefully avoid all mention amongst themselves? (If so it must be very difficult to have an interesting genuine conversation!)
And theoretically, if a political Party proposed in their election manifesto to ban belonging to the Watchtower Society, would the Governing Body then change its mind and order members to vote in the election to try to keep that Party out of power?
I would be interested to hear from any ex JWs how these points are viewed.