WTBTS False Teaching re Why Adam Ate Fruit...

by AGuest 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!

    According to the understanding and teachings of the WTBTS, Adam ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad because... Eve had eaten and was going to die and Adam, who had been by himself for a long time before Eve came along, chose to die with Eve - he loved her so much and did not want to live without her or be alone. Sounds good, doesn't it? A man chooses the woman he loves over God! What a guy!!

    Sigh! Dear ones, THINK OF IT - When confronted with his deed, who did Adam blame!?? Besides God, he blamed Eve.

    Dear ones, he tried to throw Eve under the bus! So, where was all that LOVE? Where was his concern about being alone again? IF he chose to die WITH Eve... why point the finger at her?! And if God had chosen to blame Eve for Adam's sin... wouldn't Adam have ended up alone?

    This one's a no-brainer, dear ones. Adam ate... for an entirely different reason.

    I bid you peace.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • WTWizard

    And I can guess what that reason probably was. Adam was trying to get free from the stagnation of always doing what Jehovah Baghead was telling him to do. After seeing what freedom was actually like, he was jealous and wanted that freedom himself, so he did what she did to get it. And, Jehovah acted in envy to destroy that freedom for both of them. And He put him in the spot where he had to blame someone, and she also had to blame someone else.

    What should have been done is giving credit, not blame, for setting them free from Jehovah's potentially oppressive and stagnating rulership. There was no proof that they were happy under Jehovah's rulership, and there is no proof that Jehovah didn't impede them from using their minds to create value. In fact, I have good evidence based on what else I have seen Jehovah do that He did in fact create stagnation in their lives before they "sinned". They chose death instead of stagnation!

  • AGuest

    Yikes (and may you have peace)!

    I am always somewhat at a loss when I see responses such as yours: you know, bitterness and inflammatory remarks for no apparent reason. I say "no apparent" reason, because I have no idea what your story is, other than, obviously, you are bitter and angry, at someone, for some reason. It appears to be God; however, I am not sure I understand, as your statements are false, and so I am not sure I understand how someone can be angry at the LIE... and the VICTIM of the lie... rather than at the one(s) who told it. (And please, don't tell me that "the Bible told [you]" because what you allege is NOT in the Bible, but, rather, is only what you have been misled to believe is there.)

    My first inclination is to offer my sincere condolences (which I do now) for the great losses you must have suffered in life and/or the current desperate state you are now in that causes you so much... well, chagrin and anger. I often find, though, that persons who respond as you do have not really experienced any specific loss (other than of, say, time), but are simply bitter. For many and various reasons. In fact, more often than not, people such as yourself LOOK for reasons to be bitter and angry. Having been misled by the WTBTS (as is obviously the case here, based on your version of what occurred) may be one reason; more often than not, however, it's usually more about being disappointed at one's "lot" in life.

    Please know that I am truly sorry that you have not yet received whatever it is that you felt you were entitled to in life, whatever you've expected, whatever you were misled to believe would occur, or should occur. And I am sorry that you've either been robbed of your joy... or decided to let it go... as a result. I am also sorry that you apparently blame God for your... ummmm... disappointment... but I assure you, He is not the one to blame.

    I do understand, however, why you blame Him: not surprisingly, your understanding of who did what, and why, is severely distorted. As a result, your anger is misplaced, which is also not surprising. Seriously. But it doesn't have to be that way.

    I bid you peace... and joy... if you can receive either.

    A slave of Christ,


  • avengers

    That's all fine and dandy, but you gotta prove first that Jehovah exists and then prove Adam's and Eve's existence.

    Can't be done.

    It's all a bunch of bull.


  • aniron
    Adam was trying to get free from the stagnation of always doing what Jehovah Baghead was telling him to do .

    What had Jehovah told Adam to do? Look after the garden, don't eat from that tree, be fruitful and mulitply. Not exactly hard work was it. Adam had the potential and freedom to develope. How was he being stagnated?

    There was no proof that they were happy under Jehovah's rulership, and there is no proof that Jehovah didn't impede them from using their minds to create value

    There is no proof they were unhappy either. No proof that Jehovah was impeding them either, who knows what the potential of perfect mankind would have had.

    What should have been done is giving credit , not blame, for setting them free from Jehovah's potentially oppressive and stagnating rulership.

    Instead we get death, disease, violence, greed, bitterness, feuding, war, pollution of what could have been a clean earth.

    And, Jehovah acted in envy to destroy that freedom for both of them.

    What was Jehovah envious of? What were they capable of having that Jehovah did not?

    In fact, I have good evidence based on what else I have seen Jehovah do that He did in fact create stagnation in their lives before they "sinned". They chose death instead of stagnation!

    Can we have the "good evidence" then please? Seeing that you are basing this conjecture on a few verses in the first two chapters of the Bible.

  • dawg

    First off brother AGuest, you have no idea why Adam did what he did, you can't know what another man thinks... The reason folks get angry at times with folks like you isn't because you aren't a kind man, you are very kind... it's because you assume you know what can't be known. And please don't get offended at me, but to say it's a "no brainier" it's obstinate don't you think?

    Aniron, I'm also interested to see why someone would think these two mythical creatures were unhappy... but I find it interesting that you would attack only one side of this story....

  • Borgia

    Nice allegory, that genesis account of Adam & Eve. So, they became aware, had their consciousness raised but Jehober did not like it none. Sounds like the Prometheus gotspe who stole fire from the gods to teach humankind. But....the gods could not set the clock back....

    looking at it from that perspective, it must be really hell to be a god in heaven at all.



  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    How many actual witnesses were at the scene to record the event,if there are any up in heaven please come forward now.

    Like I said before it wasn't the apple on the tree that caused all the trouble it was the pair on the ground.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Hang on a minute where did the bus come from?

    Entrapment is the name of the game in Eden, and Adam and Eve should have got a good lawyer .God should have given them an asbo then put a curfew order on the Devil which would have saved a hell of lot of aggro.

  • jaguarbass

    I always thought Adam should have went back to Lilith and left Eve after she ate the fruit.

    Then we wouldnt be in this mess.

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