Yikes (and may you have peace)!
I am always somewhat at a loss when I see responses such as yours: you know, bitterness and inflammatory remarks for no apparent reason. I say "no apparent" reason, because I have no idea what your story is, other than, obviously, you are bitter and angry, at someone, for some reason. It appears to be God; however, I am not sure I understand, as your statements are false, and so I am not sure I understand how someone can be angry at the LIE... and the VICTIM of the lie... rather than at the one(s) who told it. (And please, don't tell me that "the Bible told [you]" because what you allege is NOT in the Bible, but, rather, is only what you have been misled to believe is there.)
My first inclination is to offer my sincere condolences (which I do now) for the great losses you must have suffered in life and/or the current desperate state you are now in that causes you so much... well, chagrin and anger. I often find, though, that persons who respond as you do have not really experienced any specific loss (other than of, say, time), but are simply bitter. For many and various reasons. In fact, more often than not, people such as yourself LOOK for reasons to be bitter and angry. Having been misled by the WTBTS (as is obviously the case here, based on your version of what occurred) may be one reason; more often than not, however, it's usually more about being disappointed at one's "lot" in life.
Please know that I am truly sorry that you have not yet received whatever it is that you felt you were entitled to in life, whatever you've expected, whatever you were misled to believe would occur, or should occur. And I am sorry that you've either been robbed of your joy... or decided to let it go... as a result. I am also sorry that you apparently blame God for your... ummmm... disappointment... but I assure you, He is not the one to blame.
I do understand, however, why you blame Him: not surprisingly, your understanding of who did what, and why, is severely distorted. As a result, your anger is misplaced, which is also not surprising. Seriously. But it doesn't have to be that way.
I bid you peace... and joy... if you can receive either.
A slave of Christ,