Many today believe that the one "Sitting Down In the Temple of God today is a Political entity. It is true that Satan has used his army's to desolate God's Temple at various times in history. He allowed them to set up their idolotrous emblems right within His Temple.. Today that is impossible! There is no visible Temple building to surround and attack as there has been in the past. The Temple today is a spiritual Temple made of the remnant of the annointed Brothers of Christ.These one's are scattered all over the earth now. The political governments are not even aware of who they really are. The only way one can "Sit Down" in that Temple today is by close association with those one's. Only the false prophets "who come to them in sheeps clothing" could do that. So the one Paul was talking about in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 are the one's who claim to be on equal footing with the Temple Class these are a religious entity made up of False Prophets. They are not a political entity. It is Satan now who "goes off to wage war with the remaining one's of the woman's seed" and he is doing that by infiltrating Jehovah's Temple Class.Placing his ministers in there to slowly erode the pure worship of Jehovah through the mean spirited actions of his minions. He is attacking now right from within the true congregation of Jehovah's worshippers. Anyone who doubts that should take a serious look at the record number of people who have been disfellowshipped each year The marking and shunning practices are Satan's weapons of war now because it breaks the spirit and hearts of those subjected to it In point of fact it is slowly desolating God's Temple.Let that Organization continue long enough and there will be no one left worshipping Jehovah. That is Satan's final goal! Up to now he is doing well isn't he?