by Bill Parker 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker


    Many today believe that the one "Sitting Down In the Temple of God today is a Political entity. It is true that Satan has used his army's to desolate God's Temple at various times in history. He allowed them to set up their idolotrous emblems right within His Temple.. Today that is impossible! There is no visible Temple building to surround and attack as there has been in the past. The Temple today is a spiritual Temple made of the remnant of the annointed Brothers of Christ.These one's are scattered all over the earth now. The political governments are not even aware of who they really are. The only way one can "Sit Down" in that Temple today is by close association with those one's. Only the false prophets "who come to them in sheeps clothing" could do that. So the one Paul was talking about in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 are the one's who claim to be on equal footing with the Temple Class these are a religious entity made up of False Prophets. They are not a political entity. It is Satan now who "goes off to wage war with the remaining one's of the woman's seed" and he is doing that by infiltrating Jehovah's Temple Class.Placing his ministers in there to slowly erode the pure worship of Jehovah through the mean spirited actions of his minions. He is attacking now right from within the true congregation of Jehovah's worshippers. Anyone who doubts that should take a serious look at the record number of people who have been disfellowshipped each year The marking and shunning practices are Satan's weapons of war now because it breaks the spirit and hearts of those subjected to it In point of fact it is slowly desolating God's Temple.Let that Organization continue long enough and there will be no one left worshipping Jehovah. That is Satan's final goal! Up to now he is doing well isn't he?

  • logical

    The JW's have never been true worshippers of Jah. They have been misled since the very beginning, just like with every other religion on earth. You are correct Satan is working inside the Tower. Misleading the JW's to worship the "golden calf" image of the old Jewish system, placing them under burdens so great and condemning them through the law which Christ set us free from.

    People need to realise they are misled by religion in general, particularly christendom, that the political entities are NOT in fulfillment of the Revelation "beast" prophecies, the true fulfillment is RELIGIONS.

  • You Know
    You Know

    You were on track up to a point, but you are way out in left field with that disfellowshipping thing. There may be some, a minority for sure, who are unjustly disfellowshipped, but by far most who are removed deserve it for the simple reason that they no longer qualify to be ministers of the good news. Paul referred to the act of handing certain individuals over to Satan for them to be disciplined by their hard experience outside of the congregation. That judicial decision to hand unrepentant ones over is from Jehovah not the Devil. True, in one of John's letter he points out how an arrogant elder named Diotrophes threw people out of the congregation that he personally had issues with, and that sort of abuse of power probably goes on on some level today, but by far most disfellowshipped Witnesses are sexually immoral, dishonest, apostate, or in some other way no longer fit to serve as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and are given due judicial process. / You Know

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    It doesn't matter what any individual is guilty of. NO MAN TODAY HAS BEEN APPOINTED BY JEHOVAGH TO CLEAN UP THE CONGREGATIONS. That is something reserved for the Messiah to do. You are the one who is off base in your thinking.

  • logical
    by far most disfellowshipped Witnesses are sexually immoral, dishonest, apostate, or in some other way no longer fit to serve as one of Jehovah's Witnesses

    All sins that are forgiven. You really have no clue do you? And the way in outright HATRED you judge fellow sinners has absolutely NOTHING to do with Christianity.

    You know there is only one sin that is not forgiven, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Something your organisation does well.

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    Another point for "YOU KNOW"
    You made reference to the scripture at 1Corinthians 5:5 In the Amplified Bible it reads thusly: "YOU are to deliver this man over to Satan for physical discipline {to destroy carnel lusts which prompted him to incest},that {his} spirit may {yet} be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.Now go to verse 13 of that same chapter ..."Drive out that wicked one from among you {expell him from your church}
    Now at first glance it would look like the difellowshipping arrangement has God's blessing today. But does it really? To whom were these statements addressed and why? Where they not addressed to those who were able to read the heart therefore they could judge with righteous judgment in imitation of their master.Read Isaiah 11:3,4 " and He shall not judge by the sight of his eye's neither decide by the hearing of His ears but with righteousness and justice shall he judge the poor and decide with fairness for the meek the poor and the downtrodden of the earth. That is how first century christians did judging. The judgment was fair and just it was as though God Himself had done the judging. IT was that way because they and only they could read the heart. More important they were under command by Jehovah to do that.Their judgment at that time was "righteous judgment" What is going on today in the world wide Elder arrangment is judgment that is done solely on the basis of what is seen by the eye's and heard by the ear's. IT is impossible for these so called Elders to read the heart's of anyone today. More important the matter of judging has not been given into their hands. For the reason that they cannot read the heart. Only the Messiah can and will do that judging when Jehovah commands Him to. Only the "Man of Lawlessness" and his followers would take that privellege to themselves. They "SIT DOWN IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD PROFESSING TO BE GOD" In judging others now while not being under command to do so they run ahead of Jehovah and His APPOINTED JUDGE. Those first century christians had the gifts of the spirit. Jehovah had endowed them with special abilities,as you already know. If you look at Acts 5:1-11 it shows that the Apostle Peter could read the hearts of Ananias and Sapphira. "Why has Satan filled your heart that you should lie to and attempt to deceive the Holy Spirit" ... Jehovah had revealed to Peter that they had in fact lied. Without that special power Peter would not have been able to do that. Hence he would not have been able to "judge with righteous judgment" as commanded by Christ Jesus! John 7:24 That is why you or I or anyone else today should not be involved in judging anyone else. We cannot read the heart. So we are not able to correctly judge anyone especially so because we also have weaknesses and frailties that we do not reveal to everyone else. Yes we all commit sins that might warrent disfellowshipping. The one who say's "he does not sin is a liar and the truth is not in him" Up this point your BIble knowledge is sadly lacking and it shows when your fingers touch your keyboard. What I would like to know is that lack of knowledge due to genuine cause or is it because you will support those Elders and the Society at any cost because you are afraid that what you have caused to come upon others will come upon you if you dare to disagree with them. Remember you are under command to "TEST THE INMSPIRED EXPRESSION " How much more so should you "TEST" the one that isn't inspired? It takes a lot of sand to do that. Have you got it?

  • You Know
    You Know

    That's a lie, a bald faced lie. It is the Scriptural responsibilty of the overseers to judge individuals in behalf of Christ's congregation. Paul wrote the Corinthians and said: "...in order that the man that committed this deed should be taken away from your midst...I for one have certainly JUDGED ALREADY...that in the name of the Lord Jesus....you hand such a man over to Satan." Paul went on to say that the leaven had to be removed from the congregation in order for them to be clean. That Paul authorized the congregations to remove wicked individuals in the name of Christ means that YOU are actually an anti-Christ because you are against the authority of Christ in the congregation. / You Know

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    YOU KNOW (Doesn't Know a hell of a lot does he?}
    He was talking to those who were authorized to do so. No one today is.Perhaps you have not clued in to the conversation that Jesus had with His followers at Matthew 13:27-29 where He set forth the parable of the weeds and the wheat.... "Do you want US to go and weed them out" ... What did He tell them? Did He say "YES" I "authorize you to do that". Look at what He told them: "NO, lest in gathering the wild wheat {weeds resembling wheat} you root up the true wheat along with it" He as much as told them that "you cannot tell the difference" He said: "Let them grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will say to the reapers,Gather the darnell first and bind it in bundles to be burned but gather the wheat into my sanctuary" Who are the reapers? Look at verse 41 "The Son of Man will send forth His Angels and THEY will gather out of His kingdom all causes of offense... and all who do iniquity and act wickedly" Everything that I presented to you was scripturally based and you have the audacity to call it a lie? Jesus told them "NO" what part of "NO" don't you uinderstand? Does it really take a rocket scientist to figure that out? The clean-up of the congregations is given to Christ Jesus to do. Are you going to continue to usurp His Headship by following the dictates of "oppressive wolves? Acts 20:29,30 That of course is your business. You are the one who will lose his life if you continue with this disfgellowshipping practice with it's unscriptural marking and shunning. Don't forget somewhere down the line they will get to you too. Your marriage may be destroyed,your family may be split up, your friends will not speak to you. How do you think that you will feel then? It will be an entirely different ball game then will it not? I do not appreciate a moron like you calling me a liar. If you were nose to nose with me you would not have the guts to say that to my face. I would take that kind of insulting remark as a slap in the face. You called all of the Bible writers liars by calling me one because I was using what the Bible said about the matter to set you straight. What actually has occured here is something the Bible foretold: Look at Jeremiah 5:14 ... " Behold I am making my word's in your mouth a fire and these people will be pieces of wood and it will devour them"... What I have on my hands now is a smouldering log. But there is even more. Look at Jeremiah 23:29 ... "Is not my word like fire {that consumes all those that cannot endure the test}? and like a hammer that breaks in pieces the rock {of most stubborn resistance}"
    I have used that "Hammer" to smash to pieces your ungodly practice of disfellowshipping with it's equally unscriptural marking and shunning practice. To say the least a viscious practice at that! Like the smouldering log that you are you will eventually simply burn up and blow away in the wind. By the way why don't you do that now?

  • logical

    Trying to reason with You Know is like striving after the wind. Keep it short and simple, straight to the point, that way he cant twist what you say.

  • ashitaka

    This is a frightening thread.

    "You ever get lonely?."

    "Only around people."

    -Thin Red Line

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