I remember being told by a brother once, that I shouldn't go on stage if my suitcoat was unbuttoned. The reasoning of this is a mystery to this day. I also remember being counseled because I didn't like to button my top shirt button, even though I had a tie on, and it was difficult to tell. I actually preferred to be able to breathe.
Were You Ever Counseled Because Of What You Wore (or didn't)?
by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends
Coloring your hair suggests homosexuality? That's
I actually preferred to be able to breathe.
So I guess the men's top collar button is equal to women having to wear pantyhose. We prefer to breathe as well. I didn't realize that the brothers were tortured liek the sisters.
Yep! I got counseled for my skirts being too short. A sister volunteered to teach me to sew because
I could not find dresses with long enough skirts in the mini skirt era! I was a bit on the tall/slim side and
anything that looked half-way pretty in my size was too short. Ugh at some of the dresses I made and wore!
But I also remember an elder's wife that was short and fat and when she sat down, her skirt rode up half-way
to her "you know what" but nothing was EVER said about that!
One of my ties had the American Flag in the background and the Twin Towers on them. I wore it shortly after 9/11 and I bought the tie at ground zero
I got the white shirt thing once, then the local elders loosened up on it. Can't remember any others, although I remember somebody (probably a visiting CO) announcing from the platform that sisters shouldn't wear "empire waist" dresses.
I had been baptised 2 weeks. I went to the BS wearing slacks, a dress shirt with a tie and a sweater.It was winter. The old fart elder conductor told me I had to wear a jacket so he could use me to read.
LOL at chickpea and the correct use of 'wanker' !
Part way through the concluding song an elder ran up to me to get me to give the concluding prayer. I only had a pullover that night so I put that on and gave the prayer. The guy just about had kittens afterward because I didn't wear a jacket. I'd just come from an island cong. where a pullover wasn't frowned on for prayers and reading.
As an aside, I started a trend in a Hamilton congregation with white shoelaces! I had broken a lace before the meeting and replaced them quickly with the only ones I could find. A few of the young bros. thought this was pretty cool and began to copy me! -
I had heard a sotry of one elder who was of the anointed. They had meeting for service at his house. Well he was wearing overalls because he was staying home working in the garden that morning. But since it was his house he insisted on saying the closing prayer.
So he said prayer in his overalls. the brother conducting the meeting for service was miffed.
I got counseled by our CO that coloring my hair was considered to be a sign of homosexuality.
Okay, I just have to laugh. JWs are some of the most homophobic morons on the planet. There is nothing remotely associated with being a homosexual in your choice to dye your hair. My goodness.