Watchtower Comments - MARCH 17&24 AND MEMORIAL Videos

by V 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • V
  • SnakesInTheTower

    Excellent work as always V.

    I sure hope this gets a lot of airplay on YouTube.

    Really, why would I need to go to the memorial anymore? Good point about how much time was spent on Jesus versus how much time was spent recruiting. A few years ago, I had the "privilege" {gag} of giving this exact outline. The GB slipped something new in that year. I was given a "Special Announcement" to read from the Governing Body...more recruiting news....I was supposed to really play it up. Instead, I incorporated it at the end (as I was supposed to), but did not make a big deal about it being a special announcement. I was required to read it word for word (or nearly so). Oh the control factor is soooo bad on those outlines. I think they put those SA's in every year now..not so special, eh?

    So I will miss this stale message for the first time ever this year, despite receiving several phone calls, voice messages, a mailed invite with an additional special spiritual nugget...(more on that at another time). Even an IM from someone over seas that pulled my IM out at random...I must have had JW on the profile...and that person does not seem to get the hint that I am not interested in a discussion...they ended their brief IM today with: "dont forget to go to the memorial...hee hee" WTF? "hee hee"?! much for being a serious occasion....LOL

    Please note that NONE of the phone calls were from elders in my last attended congo.... unless there is a last minute call....

    Though it might be fun to show up at a Kingdumb Hell where I am not known an pretend to be a interested person walking off the street...get their hopes up, then crushing their hopes as I walk out never to return...might be fun to mess with em.... but I would have to drive a long distance to find a KH where I am not known.

    Snakes ()

  • caliber

    As always your video is clear, pointed. It is easy to grasp the thoughts between the thoughts in the WT. We are able to see with

    our own eyes, and mind's eye the motives and intent of the WT, that more clearly come to the surface .You make your work on these

    video's look so easy and smooth that I fear we may take them for granted very soon! I for one likely have no idea how much time and effort

    is spent . One curious question I have, I am not looking to any credit what so ever, but my recent post where I mentioned the time factor for

    Jesus Christ at Memorial ? I would feel nothing but flattery if it was ! Thankyou for all your ongoing hard work .


  • dawg

    You're a genius.

  • TopHat

    I kinda like the special edition especially.

  • WTWizard

    Thirteen minutes telling people not to partake? Telling people to REJECT Jesus? Another 8 minutes telling people why they should still join? Hounders targeting people to hound?

    Now that I have seen the video, I don't need to go to the one in the Kingdumb Hell. Hopefully, there will be more going to the V's version than to the live one--and they will get zero in attendance, the crackers and spoiled grape juice sitting there, and the mice getting it all.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello V,

    just to congratulate you for your excellent work. Very clear, concise,

    straight to the point with a lot of correct and useful quotations, many

    known to the posters here, but some are really a beauty.

    Another important feature of your video, is the use of current

    teaching and the comparison with years before.

    I do like the way it is read and the clear voice of the speaker.

    Thank you very much again, for all your is really a gem.


    J.C. MacHislopp

  • DoomVoyager

    "Taking a sip anyway? Priceless."

    I loved it.

  • yesidid

    Gotta say:

    That Memorial video hit the nail on the head.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Captivating videos again V

    The Masters are looking for more slaves to own and control

    I wonder what the clowns in Brooklyn ever see these videos, I certainly hope so.

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