This is basicly a spin off of "Flippers" sex thread in February...
The future of male/female relationships?....Things are changing but we still have a long way to go!
How so?
The old paradigm is changing.....
Governments and religions have tried to control sex for 1,000s of years...and mostly they have done this by depowering women...They have put women in roles servitude to men. Look at the governments and religions of today....they are all MALE dominated.
Its only been 50 years since we believed in the "Donna Reed" concept of women, as being "mans helper"....stay at home, make cakes and raise the kids.
In many countries they are still treated like cattle....Hell...they can't even pray to God in the same room with a man in it! If they put a "head covering" on... it's O.K. They get paid less and basicly are not respected the same way a man is in todays world.
So where is it heading?
The day is coming when that will all be gone...Women of today don't need men has much as they used too. They are not buying into the same bull shit their mothers believed in.
In a few years men and women will be totaly equal...There will be less marriages because people won't NEED to have a piece of paper to make them stay together...they will stay together has long there is love and mutual respect...and when it's gone....they will move on.
Sex will be better then ever. With two equals enjoying the experience, without all the religious hangups. It's possible that people may even enjoy sex with more then one person at a time...If love & respect is involved anything is possible.....can you love more then one person at a time?
Your comments....were do you see the future of women and men?