Need quick list of things wrong with JW memorial service!!

by oompa 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • watson
    Now, if jesus did return in 1914, why do they still observe this occasion???

    You haven't heard. He comes multiple times...

  • cognac
    Cognac - remind your husband that that elder was appointed by holy spirit. He should be grateful for the wise leadership, and be proud of his priviledge of parking cars.

    Heck no! It's so much more fun to plan out our revenge, lol!!!

  • IP_SEC

    stop messing with these wankers oompa. Tell them to piss off.

  • carla

    Cognac, forgive me but the whole scenario with your hubby sounds absolutely assinine. Your jw husband is upset because he didn't get some sort of privilege? (has he had the privilege of holding and using the holy toilet brush yet? I think mine did) anyway, can't they see how pride, ego, and status is rampant in the congs? from this story alone? These men who 'fight' for so called 'privileges' sound like 5 year olds in a pissing war. All for jah of course. Gotta get those brownie points in!

    Back to the Reject Jesus Memorial-

    Why do it if Christ has already come? Do jw's believe in 3 comings of Christ?

    If it is only for the 144,000 or annointed why must others observe this ceremony for the few exclusive select? Where is that in the Bible?

    Why is it only once a year? where does it say so?

    Why do jw's use a full moon in determining (?) the date when they condemn others for using celestial bodies to determine their holidays or other things in their lives?

    Why is Jesus mentioned so little in the memorial talk? Why do so many jw's not realize that Jesus is not their personal mediator but they must instead go through 144,000? Why not be honest with people at the doors about the whole matter? Why not be honest with the r & f?

  • potentialJWconvertswife

    Hmmm...I think someone covered this, but nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about the remembrance being limited to any certain number or group of people. It is almost blasphemous to NOT partake- like denying that He shed His blood and sacrificed His body for us. Also, why commemorate the Lord's supper, but not His resurrection???? -Potential

  • cognac
    Cognac, forgive me but the whole scenario with your hubby sounds absolutely assinine. Your jw husband is upset because he didn't get some sort of privilege?

    I think it's more about the fact that he doesn't like this elder and that fact that the elder is on this power trip and it pisses him off...

  • lovelylil

    The anointed invite us to the "Lord's Meal", and yet are so rude, they do not even offer us a bit of cracker to eat. What terrible hosts they are!Lilly

  • V
  • The Last Nephilim
    The Last Nephilim

    cognac, I know EXACTLY what your hubby's going thru!!! I was once assigned to be the reader at a book study to be held in an elder's home a month before the new book study arrangements were to go into effect. Keep in mind that I was only a reader- I was NOT the assistant! We didn't have enough MSs to go around so they decided I could be a reader until I got my appointment. On the Sunday before our first Monday night bookstudy was to begin, I joked with the BS overseer as we were leaving the KH about reading with my jeans on (long story), and he said, "Oh... ah... well, I think Brother So-and-so is going to be our reader." Not only was I livid that the BOE changed their minds and thought it best to NOT let me be the reader, but they weren't even going to tell me! For a month I was allowed to tell people how happy I was to get the privilege all the while I really didn't have it! Instead, they decided that it was best to have an 80 year old elder go to TWO bookstudies a week, one to conduct, and one to assist, that way it would free up an MS to come to our BS to read. The real kicker is that the MS who came is a good friend of mine (we knew each other before we became JWs), and he didn't WANT to read. He told me he'd much rather let me do it! On top of that, the group that meets at the KH lets 2 teenage boys and one 20- something boy rotate as readers- and none of them are MSs!!!! Anyone smell a vendetta here?

    OK, not to hijack the thread, but I couldn't resist sharing that!

    nomoreguilt- good point about 1Cor11:26! I'm sure if asked, the elders would say, "That's referring to his EARTHLY return..."

  • cognac
    Not only was I livid that the BOE changed their minds and thought it best to NOT let me be the reader, but they weren't even going to tell me! For a month I was allowed to tell people how happy I was to get the privilege all the while I really didn't have it! Instead, they decided that it was best to have an 80 year old elder go to TWO bookstudies a week

    what a bunch of arses!!!

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