I noticed this absurd ritual they perform for the first time this year.
The brother giving the Recruitment Speech sits down in the front row when the Passers are passing around the crackers & grape juice. Then when the Passers are done they all come sit in the front row and one of them hands a plate of crackers/glass of (babylon the) Grape juice to him. Then he gets up and hands the plate/glass to one of the Passers, and they all pass it down the row of them selves. Meanwhile Brother Speaker goes to the end of the row and waits for them all to finish passing it. Then he puts it back on the table, and all the Passers get up and return to their seats in the audience.
The irony, of course, is that not one of them actually takes the stuff so what the hell is the point of all this rigamarole? They sure love to tear Catholics limb from limb about all their rituals and traditions; but that ritual there is just as bad as anything Catholics have ever thought up.