what a sad easter....my uncle passed away....

by FreedomFrog 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think

    I'm sorry for your loss FF.

  • R.Crusoe

    Sad news for you!

    I imagine you have lots of memory to cherish which will be a comfort to you in the times ahead.

    Nothing can remove it from you!

  • orangefatcat

    Dearest FreedomFrog....(I love your name). I am so sorry about the passing of your dear Uncle. Yes it will be a sad Easter, but at the same time your Uncle will recieve his reward of being resurrected to a greater place of peace, and tranquility and no more pain to endure. If you can hold this in your heart the pain you all feel will be a lot easier to content with. Death is such a sting to all of us. It greives us and yet with extented family and friends you will be able to get through this trailsome moment in your life.

    I share you pain and know what it is like to lose someone who is near and dear to you. As you may recall I lost my hubby last July and I can assure you that yes your are numb and perhaps confused right now but it too will become easier to deal with with the passing of time. And your pain of deep sadness will come to a end. Time heals wounds or sorrow. Never forget your cherished moments spent with your Uncle as this too will sustain you.

    So your folks are being nasty and there is nothing you can do about it, but being with other family and friends close to your Uncle will make up for their absents. Being supportive of one another as a family group (less mom and dad) you will prove your love to them all for your the one showing your respects to your Uncle. Unfortunately and sadly JW's don't look at the natural law of God that was endowed to all of us but, witnesses are taught to go against that which is natural law of love and caring. It is sad isn' t it? They become more bitter with time as I sure they'd like to be there but fear of pleasing the WTS they will fight to stay away. But you will be there and that is what counts . Your parents have their own conscience to live with.

    Here is something that will help you Gina. We all need this comfort from time to time and now is your time.

    Dear Father above, Grant to your servant Gina the strength she needs to get through this most diffficult time. She will be in need of your protective holy spirit and please Father give it too her and those also attending this sad passing of your servant Gina's Uncle. Bless her and keep her in your unbounding love and show her mercy and guidance as she needs at this most difficult moment in her life and in the lives of her extended family please be with them and give them too. May they lovingly support one another.. As our Saviour so promised, your servant shall be raised to a glorious eternal life and will be at peace and free of pain.

    Please most merciful Heavenly Father guide and help your servant daughter Gina deal with the fact her parents will not be present as she needs you more than ever at this time to keep strong. Be with her dear Father and comfort her in her hour of grief. And may the Peace and Grace of God and the love of Christ and the holy spirit be with Gina, always. Amen.

    Your friend aways,


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    This is sad news. Please accept my condolences and best wishes for you and your family.

  • FreedomFrog

    Thanks everyone. Sorry I didn't reply sooner...I've been a mess.

    He had a heart attack last week and passed on this past Thursday around 7pm from what my aunt said. I've made arrangements with Dave to take the kids while I meet my aunt and grandmother at their home and I'll be riding up with them. One of my aunts passed away about 4 years ago with a brain tumor and from what I understand, they are going to bury him close to where she's buried.

    I do have fond memories...he works with wood and makes beautiful things. He'd make them just because it was his hobby and I was lucky enough to have a few things he had made. One of which is a very cute box that I keep my mail in.

  • delilah

    My condolences FF... I'm very sorry for your loss.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    FreedomFrog--------I am sorry about your loss.


  • Hortensia

    I'm so sorry about your uncle.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Freedom Frog,

    My condolences to you, wishing that your family were not adding insult to injury ...



  • mouthy

    Amen to Orangefats prayer. Also accept my deepest sympathy

    I'm angry because my parents aren't going because it is being held in a church...

    I understand that completly. I lost Melanie ( daughter) Alan ( son) MY Jw daughter would not come to any of their funerals because it was in a Funeral parlour ( son) but a Minister lead it. & Melanie was in a Church so she wouldnt come to that either. But you see they have CONDITIONAL LOVE>

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