viv, little-socrates is asking atheists this question and I am replying as an athiest. So in direct reply to your question
You said there is value in suffering. I am asking you if there is value in child rape. Why are you refusing to answer whether or not rape, a form or sufering, has value?
let me spell it out to you even more clearly
an athiest rather than saying that God is responsible would ask instead who is the suffering of child rape valuable to
1. it is valuable to the sellers/traffickers
2. the suffering of child rape is valuable to the buyer the one gets his/her pleasure from the rape itself.
3. the victim/survivor who chooses to go on living with the suffering instead of killing themselves extracts value for themselves and for others from the suffering.
4. victims often have a very strong sense of justice as a direct result of their rape.
your next question asks
does more suffering mean more value?
Nietzsche said what does not kill you makes you stronger and in this vein see three and four above and then see one and two as well - in that those in one and two will continue to extract and enjoy more and more value insatiably if they are not stopped. Hope this does not come across as evading the question. As an atheist I do not focus on Gods instrumentality in perpetrating suffering but on the ones who cause suffering because it is lucrative and pleasurable for them rather than hiding it by pinning it solely to religious beliefs. This does not make me bitter or angry and depressed as I can see that victims/survivors are at last being listened to. I love their courage and faith in life and dare even to say that I revel in them - the victims/survivors, that is, for the reason that they have chosen to go on living even if some could only manage a short life.