I've noticed that most of all dating sites have their search page filled with boxes and that's it. There's no way for one to actually make a text based search; typing in "apostate" for instance in a text box and thus search for that word in the profile database or am I wrong? Do you know of any dating site that has this feature?
Looking for a dating site in particular
by AntiKrist 10 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the board but I'm just a married old fart and
olddefinately old enough to be your mom.Maybe some young thing will come along and know the scene.
First off I want to apologise if I am way offbase with this.
You stated: "typing in "apostate" makes me wonder, since this is your first post, and because of the spelling of Christ (being Krist), if you are not a watchtower spy,who we know keeps tabs on these type of sites, to see if anyone can be caught.
Dont worry hun, they usually accuse everyone as being a watchtower spy at first. lol, even me lol. Dont know of any dating sites, sorry.
hahaha a watchtower spy putting his head in the toilet? That would be nice! No I'm not a watchtower spy =) Well it depends. I do spy on the watchtower since I love to hear all the latest gossip; wouldn't that make me a "watchtower spy"? "Krist" is Swedish for "Christ", hence AntiKrist which resembles my strong atheistic stand down. Hope4Others: I could use a mom too =)
The dating site PlentyOfFish.com has an "interests" field in their advanced search. You can type anything you want in there, and it will look for matches. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that anyone would enter "apostasy" as one of their interests! :-)
Good luck!
I don't know nuttin' about the dating sites either.
It really surprises me that really are no site of my demands. I mean it's quite simple isn't it? Who wants to search for their love using checkboxes anyways? Of course one would just love to search using free text! Or am I that unnormal!?
AlmostAtheist: I kinda have apostasy as an interest, there's just nothing more fun than to stumble across a newly born Christian doing some preachin' in the local mall =) How come your an soon-to-be atheist instead of a full blooded veteran like me?
I would love to find an Ex JW dating site. I think I would trust a nice Ex JW girl more than any other type out there. I'd love to get married again. But this time to a GOOD woman.
I think there are probably many excellent matches for each of us out there but that many are already hitched or there aren't the situations to bring such people together in our society!
In spite of the many dating sites, one on one is the only way to guage for me!
Dating sites are like sewage works where filtering all the **** is so laborious you tend to veer away from the stench and miss any diamonds that pass you by.
I just need a feeling. thinking woman who is to the point and I link with naturally!
No guarantees from that point for success but thats my start point and I honestly have never got out of the blocks!
Seen a few who 'do me' but all are hitched up to other guys which is another big problem for me!
I could never feel right taking out another guy from someone he may love even if I could - which I don't rate my chances highly at! I just would find it impossible to feel that maybe I caused a 'harm' when if I had never happened upon that situation it would have ran smoothly!