Now that we are past the REJECT Jesus Party, many of us have those Big Boasting Sessions (the one-day) and Great Boasting Sessions (the two day) ahead. These are a bigger waste of time, since they take the whole day (or two days) instead of just the evening.
Then, there is the Grand Boasting Session (three days) during summer. Some will be starting in late May, when children are still in school. Notably, those children are supposed to be at the a$$embly on Friday, even though that is a day that final exams are usually held and those final exams can go a long way toward passing or flunking a course. It is blatant that the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger does not give a fxxx if children flunk classes because of their insistence that people be at all three days of this wastefest.
Already, the Big and Great Boasting Sessions are starting. I have heard therein more bashing of college, explicitly telling people that anyone with MySpace accounts will not be allowed to have "privileges", and the usual warnings about entertainment, valueless things, and the Internet. And the obligatory Sunday afternoon deficit after they send a check to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, before they have cleared expenses.
These things are simply not worth attending. They are essentially the same every year. More bogus examples of people that had huge mountains of obstacles and pioneered anyway (all fake). Hopefully, we apostates can keep the pressure on them, so they will have to waste more time on keeping people offline and have less to discuss really important issues like fornication.
Speaking of fornication, they have so many rules of conduct at a$$emblies that make it impossible for people to meet the opposite sex. Those "Quiet" and "Keep Moving" signs are put up right where people could otherwise do just that. And, they have the attendants that are there to look for people attempting to connect, with a view of using some rule to bust it up. Children are kept from having any fun (I remember once seeing some children running and play-fighting in an unused room, and the parents thought I was going to bust them for it. Of course, I was understanding that children need their fun and were not getting it during the program, and I wasn't even an attendant.)
I haven't physically been to one since 2001, and that was Friday on the Grand Boasting Session (I blew off the last two days of it). I had a tape with rap music going during it, and drowned out the Kingdumb Sxxx with it. I do, however, read the threads that appear on this board about those things. It helps to know what the witlesses in my home congregation are eagerly anticipating in July or August, and it is still May. That way, I don't have to waste any time going.