My Memorial Experience

by oneairhead 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • oneairhead

    First of all I noticed that this just seemed like another meeting. When we drove in we had people parking us in strange ways, not to mention that the amount of cars there was just as many as a highly attended Sunday meeting and we do fine then when we have no one to park us.

    They had more seats set out and there were no new ones just people who had not come in awhile. Persons were taking pictures and laughing in fact my wife brought her camera but she had not charged it so she couldn't.

    Here's the talk in a nut shell: 4 minutes about Jesus, 26 minutes of what we should be doing, what was soon going to happen to the world, and how this was the only place to be when you have a free minute.

    Afterward, same old thing standing around talking taking pictures, etc. Also one other thing was the teaching prayers that were given. Not a humble supplication to God through Christ but basicly a talk given in the form of a prayer.

    Simply amazing.


  • heathen

    You sure they didn't go over all the reasons you shouldn't eat or drink instead of mentioning the scripture where jesus said he was the mana from heaven and he that does not eat and drink has no life in themselves at all ? All jesus said is to keep doing this in remembrance of me and is the only way to actually enter the christian covenant . Swearing allegiance to a book publishing corporation isn't in the bible as to salvation .

  • blondie

    I can remember when they built the KHs around with 350 seats. Not only did they start not filling the seats for the regular meetings, but there would be many empty seats at the memorial. Finally, each KH has remodeled their halls to seat 200 people and they still have many empty seats for the memorial. Now they even build the building smaller. I guess they aren't anticipating many "new" people. The PO said that in the last 10 years only 1 person had been baptized that wasn't the child of a jw, and that person had been df'd. If it weren't for the increase in the hispanic congregations, the US would have posted a negative "increase" this year.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    taking pictures is not big down here. But standing around with people showing fake interest in you is very in. You may as well have brothers cut out of cardboard, with interested looks on their face.

  • IMustBreakAway

    Hehe.. Last assembly I went to there was only one kid getting baptised. It was a child of a JW family. It was so funny, when he/she stood to do the questions the speaker addressed them by name..


    *names changed to protect the innocent. :-)

  • Pahpa

    I always thought it odd that JWs, particularly the women, took the Memorial as an opportunity to "dress to the nines." Yet, the same practice of others during Easter Sunday brought criticisms from the majority of JWs. It's just another one of those double standards that permeate the Watchtower Society.

  • VanillaMocha73

    We went - first JW meeting for husband. (He went to a funeral recently as well at a KH).

    It was so sad..... The rejection of Jesus, the lack of joy - the talk was dead, the singing was dead and did anyone notice that the last song (105) contradicted itself?

    We had to stand. The brothers that knew me tried to pretend they didn't. The brothers who didn't know me were all friendly and tried to offer my husband (pastor) a Bible Study. People that knew me - some were sensible and said hi and were fine - others were rude. The bimbo sister went after my new husband immediately.

    Has anyone noticed the high percentage of teen pregnancys in the org? and the wife swapping? I do not see this at the Christian church I attend, and I do see joyful worship. What a contrast next day's Easter Service was......

    Wow - a great reminder of why I ain't never goin' back....

  • Moxie
    standing around with people showing fake interest in you is very in

    That's Funny!... and yet very sad

  • logic&reason

    I think about all of the effort that went into distributing invitations, the hours spent driving from house to house, the energy and money spent on the campaign... and the Hall wasn't close to full.

    No new people... just the usual crowd plus a collective of annual attendees.

    And the talk was lifeless.

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It

    VM73: I notice they have teen pregnancies but I can't say its higher other than anecdotally. I do think that whatever they say they don't have because of cleanness etc... they really do have often in spades so maybe I agree more than I thought!

    logic&reason: Welcome Newbie!

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