On another thread, I saw how elders were after someone for money as soon as someone died in their family, more than once. This happened to my mom for YEARS after my dad died, insurance settlements, lawsuit settlements, they wanted as much as they could possibly squeeze from a widow with three kids. Anyone else see this?
How many were strongarmed by elders over inheritance, etc?
by avishai 18 Replies latest jw friends
Not around here. But they were in no hurry to help out anyone financially.
An inheritance is none of either The Watchtower's or the local congregation's business.
They should stay out of the matter completely.
Yeah, no shit, but that does'nt stop 'em, now does it? Sorry, sarcasm not directed toward you VM, just the wts.
As I've mentioned before, I have been widowed twice... and yes there was money involved both times.
They never did actually talk to me about it... but during the "begging" talks, they would look right at me...made me feel very uncomfortable.
What I had trouble with, was the "Friends" hitting me up for money... one flat out asked me to buy them a car...seriously.
Homerovah the Almighty
I know they pulled that shit on my father when my mother died a couple of years ago
I was totally pissed off when I see this WTS. brochure on how to forward your will and inheritance of to the Society
lying on my father's kitchen table just days after my mother's funeral, the JWS know how to take advantage of people
when they are at their most vulnerable.
I have always been very suspicious that there were very wealthy in our congregations that were getting a lot of pressure to give the JW a good portion of their money. I recall two business owners that were HEAVILY recruited to be JWs and I recall certain things I observed that made me believe they were totally being maninpulated to give a large part of their earnings to the WTS and the local congregation.
That's the one good thing I saw from a JW elder who was an heir to a large business. When asked to "assume another sister's debt" who was my mom's business partner, he told the rest of the elders that it was ridiculous and damn near criminal. He'd been there himself.
We were approached for money on numerous occasions. Hubby use to take care of Literature with another MS. This MS use to call my husband xxx(his name) big bucks. I would get so mad. He would ask for loans and say I sure wish I had an extra 10,000. My husband has a freaking job- this joker was lazy and worked when he felt like it but usually he made his sick wife who was battling cancer(breast) climb ladders and paint houses. He also said his dinner had to be on the table at 6 pm sharp. His wife should have kicked him to the curb, lazy bastard!!!
Because of our desire to "put kingdom interests first" my ex and I pioneered™ and were living hand to mouth for years. I was counseled by elders because I was poor. Eventually, because of bad health, I had to retrain and got a career in the IT field. I was counseled again for going to school. Then my non JW father died, and I inheirited his house and some money. I allowed them to have a book study™ in my house. Then I was counseled for being "materialistic" because I finally had a decent career, a house, and a few nice things. I supposed that having the BS in my house wasn't good enough, and maybe they wanted money as well. I never donated any money to the JWs. (My ex may have without my knowledge though.) I kicked the BS out of my house and left the cult soon afterwords.
There were no "strongarm" tactics, but I suspect I wouldn't have been counseled so much if I made donations regularly. The elders were constantly inquiring about my "financial situation".