Odd introductory post for a newbie...
by doughnut 13 Replies latest jw friends
Odd introductory post for a newbie...
DOUGHNUT- In answer to your question- YES ! There are thousands of situations going on in the Jehovah's Witnesses religion like this as we speak. It is a silent crime - child abuse- in which not only family members of the offending party try to hide it, but it is attempted to be covered over by the Watchtower society as well. It's like a bad toothache to them which will not go away- nor will it.
The Watchtower society settled 16 out of court millions of $$$$ lawsuits with witness child abuse victims last year. This was reported in NBC nightly news in a national way in November 2007. So, your situation is not the only one. If I were you, I would report this bastard elder to the authorities immediately if you can . You will get emotional support here friend
It's been awhile since I have come here but I check in every now and then to catch up on what's going on since I have married children who are married to jw's and have their share of problems because they no longer want any part of the wt. Usually this time of year during the memorial they face the issues of not attending. We are all out because of this issue of incest within the organiztion of jws. Yes, jws lie about incest because it is a breeding ground for it. The whole relious community lack boundaries to begin with, and because they are all so emmeshed in each other's lives, internarrying with other families intercongregationally they are all interrelated. In the congregations there are fathers mothers sisters, brothers, uncles grandfathers all interrelated. If one family member molests a child, it is definitely covered up by all co-dependent family members in the congregation that it occurs and also in other congregations where elder family members have an interest in hiding it. I lived this sitaution and believe me incest is a natural result of the way jw's conduct their relationships within their families within their religious community.
This is the true moral value of incest. Did the person doing it force, coerce, or defraud the other person into doing it? If force was involved, then it is rape regardless of whether it was also incest. If the person tricked another person into doing incest, then the trickery was the moral wrong (lying). This can happen if one person reasonably knows that they are closely related to the other and willfully lies to get sex out of them.
Regardless of the potential harm to the children (for which a couple that volitionally did incest is responsible), I see absolutely nothing wrong with it as long as initiatory force, coercion, and/or fraud was not involved. And, that settles the odd case of a brother/sister separated at birth and finding out 20 years into their marriage that they are in fact incestuous. I would just tell them not to worry about it, since no one forced or tricked the other into the situation. That would be the simplest way to clean up the mess.
Of course, the Watchtower Society always chooses to create even more problems. Incest is but one of them. Sometimes they will create a problem if the marriage partners were not properly divorced by the rules, and they don't find out for some 20 years into the marriage. Then the Watchtower Society will either force them to produce the proper paperwork to prove that the divorce was proper and on Tower grounds, bust up the marriage, or disfellowship them for fornication. Why the fxxx they can't just let it go, if they reasonably thought the divorce was proper and it has gone this long.