How did you benifit from being a JW.

by sleepy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    No moaning for me today.
    What I want to know is the positive side of your life that you got from being a witness.
    Yes there are some, honest.
    Well I'll start off ,
    1. I met my wife
    2. Lots of friends
    3. Learned confidence in public speaking
    4. err...I'll think of some more later

  • Fredhall

    I turned out to be a sexy cat. And the result? Every sister loves me.

  • Billygoat

    Freddie-boy - you're out of your kennel so early today!

    What did I learn from being a JW?

    1. How to overcome fear of public speaking
    2. How to think independently (Haha! THIS is my favorite!)
    3. How to identify cults
    4. How important family and friends are
    5. Wear comfortable shoes

  • MrMoe

    Being a former JW has taught me many lessons in life. Beyond speaking abilities and the like, I have learned a huge life lesson.

    1. It has taught me to live a life with high morals and self-respect.
    2. It has taught me to not believe everything you hear, no matter how convincing it may seem.
    3. It has taught me that I do not need to answer to anyone but myself.
    4. It has taught me to never judge others simply based on personal opinion.
    5. It has taught me strength and perseverance.
    6. It has taught me not to care about what others think.

    Most importantly:
    It has taught me the best gift in life is personal freedom. Freedom to be who I am and freedom of who I want to be and do.

    Good post sleepy.

  • RR

    Hey, I'm still learning ... lol

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • DIM

    (1) met my wife
    (2) no fear of public speaking
    (3) learned what the terms "asshole" and "bitch" meant in the truest sense of the terms, usually applying the former to certain elders and the latter to certain pioneer sisters

    thats it.

    i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon

  • Nowfree

    I met my best friend while we were both JWs.

    However, she got herself disfellowshipped and now I am out of the org.

    Now our friendship is better than ever!!


  • Joseph Joachim
    Joseph Joachim

    I got to know poor people (poorer than I was), both in the Congregation and going door to door. I think this is a valuable experience, because you don't worry so much about material things when you see others who are really needed.

  • target

    It was the reason my husband and I quit smoking.

    I met the best friend I ever had. She's dead now.

    And, oh yea, the public speaking thing.

    Not a heck of a lot to get out of 30 years time.

  • ISP

    I never smoked.

    Never took drugs.

    I couldn't care what others thought.

    Became accomplished public speaker.

    Had a stable life without the peaks and troughs that many others have..boring eh?

    I was lucky to escape when I did!


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