Inspired by the thread about a mom wearing pants to the Kingdom Hall I thought this might be a good way to help many of us to see the absurdity of some of the WTS/JW rules "principles"
I'll post one "rule" a day
So let's start with the way men have to wear their hair. (We'll do the pants on women thing later so we don't detract from that thread)
What scriptures would the elders use to get a JW to conform. You don't need to quote whatt he scripture and I certainly have no desire to do that but if you have the quotes handy feel free to post them.
Men should conform to a certain style of hair length
- need for unity within the Christain congregation
- he who is faithful in small things is faithful in the large things
- must not stumble others
any others?
How silly and petty are these rules and why
- unity is for beliefs not for a dress code
- faithfulness in the length of hair doesn't mean a person doesn't believe in God/Jehovah
- I can hear it now "Did you see how long that MS's hair is? I just don't understand how that could be allowed by the elders or Jehovah. I just don't think I can go to meetings any more because his hair really bothers me"
any others?
You don't have to provide both THE RULE and THE REALITY CHECK. The goal is to undo the guilt the WTS uses to control people even for the nitty gritty petty things in life.