looks like I killed this thread, lol
They Push You In,,,,Then Punish You If You Go!
by new boy 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was just thinking on another thread how some are coming under pressure, after having been to the memorial, to have a study?
It's the old heave-ho on you again to get you to do what you don't feel comfortable with!
And we all know the long term problem if you don't become a lifer!
At 15, I was one of the oldest in my peer group as I recall. And speaking of 'punishment' and guilt for leaving...does anyone else hear, ''well you USED to believe''...YES, like I USED to believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa as a child...we believe what we're taught as true when children.
new boy
Thank you for the great comments
I really like congac's statment about not knowing what disfollewshiping even was at 12...
What if they handed everyone a piece of paper before baptizm stating all the things that could happen to them if they ever left...that would be full disclosure!
I was 14
everyone else was doing it and I dont want people to think I am not as "good" as the other 14 year olds.
Funny thing was I really only hung out with "worldly" friends and had a few "teenage boy vices" but I was still ready to get baptized.
Looking back I knew nothing about the "truth" - i thought I did. I knew how to answer at the WTS and sell magazines and how to stand out in the hallway during O'Canada and be laughed at and taunted. That was what I knew. The Israelites? Who are they?
Here is something I wonder about?
Why is the WTS so big on pushing children to get baptized but encourage them to wait until older to marry? For the same "trap them in" mentality behind baptizm I would think young marriages would create the same effect. -
If we are to follow in Christ's footsteps, shouldn't that include noting his age at baptism?
I was baptized at the age of 12. I didn't feel pressured and I thought I knew what I was doing. And I knew what disfellowshipping was too. I just thought I'd never get myself into that situation, because this was obviously the right place to be, and I would never let myself fall into sin.
But lost_light06 mentioned something that I had not thought of before but makes a lot of sense. Supposedly getting baptized is the most important decision one makes in life. It is more important than marriage, yet somehow I was allowed to make this "decision" at the age 12, and I've heard stories of kids as young as 9 being baptized. Too young to decide to get married, but sure go ahead and make the "most important decision of your life."
This thread reminded me of a conversation I had with someone when I was still a believing JW. There was a divorced brother who always came to the hall with his teenage son who was not baptized. We were in field service and somehow we got to talking about young ones getting baptized and he mentioned that he didn't think it was right for teenagers to get baptized. He didn't think they were mature enough to make that decision or that it was fair that they might face disfellowshipping later partly as a consequence of a decision they made as a teenager. I was kind of taken aback at the time since as I mentioned above, I had gotten baptized at the age of 12. And this guy was a ministerial servant. Now that I think back on it, I kind of wonder about him. Was he a quiet doubter, or was he simply thinking more clearly on this one issue? And I wonder about his son. At least the kid wasn't facing any pressure from his dad as a teenager.
I am disfellowshipped, but like others I have a sibling, a younger brother, who was never baptized. I am shunned by some family members and held at arms length by others, but there's no resistance to associating with my younger brother. The kid is much smarter than I thought.
If they are going to push children to be baptized, then like the court system, there should be different consequences/punishments. Instead, make a decision at 12 that turns out to be wrong for you, and you will suffer the consequences your entire life.
I've asked some people who are keen to see children baptized if they would agree to let a child get married. When they say, "No," I've asked, "which is the more important decision?" They have to say, "baptism." I'm not sure if this reasoning sticks with them, however.
I agree with the posters who pointed out that it is about control. If there are truly horrible consequences for leaving, 37% will stay.
PS I was baptized at 13. Because all my friends were getting baptized.
I was 17. My mom actually threatened that, if I didn't get baptized at that 1983 District Convention, she wouldn't be paying for my college classes when I graduated. (Of course I never actually took the classes, but the pressure was very strong.) When I was an elder I remember going over the questions with a young girl who really didn't seem like she had a clue what she was doing, and was clearly not even sure it was "The Truth." At some point I just leveled with her, telling her that if she got baptized it would mean a great estrangement if she should later decide to leave the organization. I don't believe that girl ever did go through with it. One very small thing I can be grateful for.
I've often written about this bizarre WTS caveat. Among other things people have referenced in this thread, it also emphasizes how the very worst thing you can do as a JW, is simply to change your mind. To say, "Hey, I love you guys, but I just don't agree anymore." Here's something I wrote about that once...
To my former family member
Here’s my last communiqué
We have reached the big December
No more talk in any way
I once loved you so intensely
But you broke the cardinal rule
You have sinned oh so immensely
You’ve become the Devil’s tool
I could take it if you lied
Wouldn’t much mind if you stole
As long as you had cried
They’d just put you on parole
Bloody stabbing is acquitted
Sex with kids is just uncouth
The grave sin you have committed
Is you say, "It’s not The Truth"
And so I will ignore you
I’m giving you the boot
From now on I will abhor you
Forever standing mute
I hope that this will hurt you
Slicing right down to your core
I want for this to crush you
So you’ll agree once more
I’m told that I should "hate" you
You’re a foe of God above
I wish that this deflates you
But I do it out of "love"
No natural affection
But please always remember
It’s just punitive correction
From a former family member
mind my own
I know exactly what you are talking about!! I was 13. There is NO way out of this religeon. I have lost my family that is still in, and there is nothing I can do about it!