. We are having a live phone conference on Friday March 28 from 9p.m. to 10p.m. and Rick and I were wondering if you could please give the information to your contacts. It is for Jehovah's Witnesses and former Witnesses as well as anyone else who is interested in knowing about the Witnesses. It is being put together by a man who saw Rick on YOUTUBE and contacted us to see if we could help. He is a motivational speaker who has also written several books. He was a Jehovah's Witness but just left the organization a few months ago and really wants to help Jehovah's Witnesses out of the cult. Here is the phone number to call-(712)432-8710 pin number 9925. Please spread the word.
Info conferance call
by mouthy 20 Replies latest jw friends
Burger Time
Let the hilarious insanity begin!!! So is this going to be a conference call where he is the only one who can speak? Or is it going to be a conference call where it is up to the caller to be polite? I wouldn't mind being a part of it, but it has the potential to go bad quick.
Well let us see..
I just posted it. I am not involved .it is upperoomministries bBut I love Rick & Inez who asked it to be posted
Yeah - does anyone have info on what to expect? I'd be cautious of who I gave the info to - it has the potential to be more hurtful than helpful...is there any kind of agenda or topic more narrow than the broad one given?
Wasanelder Once
I was solicited for this call because of my Youtube videos. I declined, it was not well defined and I don't know what he stands to gain from doing this. The motivational speaker who is putting it on seems like a snake oil salesman and I wasn't comfortable with the whole thing. I hope they prove me wrong. Does it cost to call? W.Once
choosing life
What exactly is the purpose of the call?
What time zone is this going to happen in? UK? EST? OR?
"Motivational speaker"? I got out of the JW's expressly because I wanted to avoid "motivational speakers."
And who will benefit financially from the phone calls?
And I never heard of a JW motivational speaker.....