earths population grows about 20,000 per day (reference needed here)
I did a thread a while back on this. It's tough coming up with an authoritative source, but I quoted a wikipedia article which cited the US Census Bureau. Here's an excerpt from my rant:
The US Census Bureau is predicting world population to grow from 6.8 billion in 2010 to 7.6 billion in 2020. That's a net increase of 80,000,000 more humans on this sphere every year.
Dubs, currently at about 6.7 million, are increasing at about 2% per year, or 134,000.
Assuming that virtually all non-dubs ( and even some of the so-called "dubs" like myself ) will be slaughtered at the Big A, then we can compute the following:
80,000,000 minus 134,000 = 79,866,000. Close enough. I shouldn't even bother doing the subtraction. The 134,000 new drones aren't even statistically significant. So we can conclude that 80 million more corpses get added to the global genocide pile for every year that Armageddon gets postponed. This, BTW, from the same god who passes his time "counting the hairs of your head" and "noticing fallen sparrows".
And here's the thread if you want to have a look:
Good reminder Stilla.
This is one issue that my wife has come around pretty well on. She can't see Jehovah killing 6 billion humans. The only problem is I think she still thinks Jehovah's gonna smite JWs who fall away because they should KNOW BETTER.