Some of My Thoughts on Knocking's Legal Threats

by DT 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • B_Deserter

    IANAL, but it seems to me that an actual legal threat wouldn't be carried out via an e-mail. Either these letters are fake and the result of some overzealous JWs (who have violated the Society's counsel against viewing "apostate" material) trying to silent dissent, or they're working with a very bad lawyer.

    It seems to me that real lawyers would send a certified letter, since they wouldn't have a very solid case if they can't even prove you received the letters in the first place. I wouldn't take any legal threats sent via e-mail seriously, especially since a lawyer could easily get your home address and send you a real letter.

  • Tuesday


    You absolutely can ask them to remove you from the video. I had something similar where a person I was working gave our match for a compilation which I did not consent to have it sold on a compilation for a certain promotion. I basically stated that I was working for another promotion at the time which had the compilation been made by that promotion they would've had at least an argument as to using the footage, however since this was a completely different promotion putting the compilation together they had no leg to stand on. They removed it right away.

    You went to church which does not regularly have cameras inside of it, you weren't notified there were going to be cameras inside the facility. Even the news has to ask your permission to be on camera. If you did request your footage be edited out it would cause havok for their editing staff, especially on a completed project. Maybe you can strike some sort of bargain...with certain critical videos that happen to be online. Or more funny would be having V use their footage of you on his videos, then having your written consent allowing him to use your image for his videos. Also adding that Knocking did not have your consent to use your image on their documentary. How funny would it be if the only person who could use Knocking footage would be V?

  • WTWizard

    The Dark Ages are coming again! And all due to the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger trying to use the law to control information. That three second clip did zero damage, since it was merely the introduction--and they want to remove the whole video along with comments for it.

    Next, they are going to sue anyone that incorporates a portion of the Witchtower publications and attempts to analyze it rationally. Anyone that disagrees with the official Tower viewpoint will be subject to harsh civil penalties (with the money going into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund) and possible criminal penalties. Even civil discussion about the littera-trash that does not fall within Tower approved criteria will be looked at as "slander", and punishable by huge lawsuits and jail time.

    Beyond that, they are going to control ALL information. Once that happens, they are going after ALL property. No longer will you own your house, car, furniture, clothing, money, computer, businesses, etc. The Watchtower Society will own it all! They will tell you what you can sell and what you cannot. They will dictate the units of measurement, which will fluctuate at the whim of the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger (and you thought the SAE system of measurements and surging gas prices are bad now?). You will do as they tell you at all times, or face severe punishments that will make disfellowshipping look benign.

    They need to lose this lawsuit. Otherwise, we will have taken the first step toward the Second Dark Ages that will be worldwide and permanent. That will make the First Dark Ages look like the Renaissance, and Bush look like a Libertarian. Fair use is fair use--I do not see how Knocking's producers are losing even a penny from this use of the video. No one is going to look at that three-second clip as being enough to not buy the whole thing.

    Finally, I think that deserves having the whole damn thing placed on the public domain, if for no other reason than to show that trying to put the whole planet into a permanent Dark Ages is going to have extremely harsh consequences. And then people can rip its message to shreds, and an independent forum can be set up to shred the video and its producers to confetti at will.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    First of all WTWizard you have no proof the Watchtower or the Governing Body is behind let's keep all the trilateral Illuminati conspiracies out of this. A more plausible scenario is that the producers have experienced issues with people "lending" out DVD's to others who burn and then "lend" out to someone else. I bet it is more a issue JW's created by trying to brag to all their friends about how normal they are. I think tuesday had the best idea as to how to get your videos back up. B_deserter sending a email like this is common. Google Howard's Forums and Mobi TV, Mobi TV tried to pull some major bullshit which backfired completely. We should digg this and get some bad publicity on the producers. Thats the best way to stop something like this.

  • minu

    This has nothing to do with the topic but I used to be in the cong. with Seth Thomas and his family. Seth was super nice and he suffered so much before his operation. His dad donated part of his liver to Seth so he could live.

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