using your car in service

by megaflower 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • megaflower

    I did not mind occasionally useing my vehicle out in service but the elder who did the morning text use to volunteer my car All the time.My pet peeves were:

    1. people walking through mud, grass clippings(rural territory) and just hoping back into the car. Mudd all over carpet

    2.Eating and drinking in my vehicle and giving the kids crackers to munch on-what a mess. Heres an idea-Lets take a real break

    3. drive all over the territory to do calls, suck the gas tank dry and hop out at the end of the day with not so much as a thanks

    Feel free to add

  • JH

    This thread touches me deeply, because the same happened to me all the time

    On top of that my little car had a weight capacity of 700 lbs, and often there were 1000 lbs of people in my car.

    A few times, they closed the door with their hip, to shut it tight, and yes they dented the door. That happened a few times.

    Kids puting their fingers on the windows, then pushing their feet with their boots on into the drivers seat, and I could feel it, while I was driving.

    And when the day was over, they would say, "are you going out in the FS tomorrow brother"?

  • momzcrazy

    I got a Tahoe with loud pipes. That put an end to that!


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Service sure used a car up fast. I didn't mind driving, but I hated the muddy days. Leave it to jws to go tracking around in the pouring rain. Inevitably, someone would spill their giant soda or coffee and that is one sticky mess.

    I think when I pioneered, it was the worst. Most pioneers had a favorite beverage that they carried around all day like a giant baby bottle.

    On a more positive note, I actually like to drive around the countryside and saw a lot of nice country places I would not have otherwise.

  • nomoreguilt

    YEAH!! How about the little snots that played with the power windows and locks??? Before you could lock em out from the driver's side. I'd say something to them and my ex would give me that little pinch in the thigh, like, HEY shut up!

    Oh, and then the days when I got ALL the kids from 13 and up!! My sons' friends. We did NOT go door to door. We made WIDE sweeping coverage of the return visits!!! 2 potty stops and 1 mickey D's.


  • Hortensia

    very small car absolutely full of pioneer sisters, car belongs to poorest sister (me) with no income barely scraping along. Lots of laughing comments about the car running on "holy spirit." I don't recall anyone filling the tank for me.

  • megaflower

    oh such memories. I remember one day I got set off. The little brats where playing with the power windows, up and down non stop and someone tracked up the carpet really bad. I pulled the car over and said, new set of rules. All will keep feet on the plastic mats, do not put them on the seat, under the seat, and do not touch Anything! I had a few angry moms but did not care

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Whjen I went in service I would always INSIST on using my car. I hated being carted around all over the place and not being able to go home. I would take a few folks sometimes but mostly I took my family, so if need be we could ditch the wandering idiots and go to legitimate calls we actually had. On the rare occasion that I hopped into another car I always dropped a few bucks into the ashtray. Hmmm maybe that is why so many wanted me to go in their car???

  • Casper


    This is one of my biggest pet peeves...

    I drove all the time it seemed... I also had all the same problems mentioned above.

    The one that bothered me the most was the feeding of children in the car. The spilled drinks, chip & crackers crumbs, even sticky suckers on the seats, was insane. No one seemed to notice. The Elders Never put the children in their car groups.

    Then they would give talks on keeping your vehicle clean for service... I thought, "Yeah right. "

    One picky Sister bought an S-10 pick-up truck...(she was a rebel).... she "never" allowed children in her truck...


  • lancelink

    Once a sister mad mention to my wife and I that she had a very bad yeast infection, and as the morning
    wore on there was an odor in the car.
    Instead of going home, she wanted to stay out in the ministry,(she was a "nothing gets me down" pioneer type) well it was about 95 degrees out and one brother who was mr. gung - ho pioneer started to make really snide, nasty comments about the odor that he was beginning to notice.

    He just did not get any of the suggestions from some of us to shut up, he just went on, and on about it, what an ignorant person he was)

    That poor lady was mortified, I made the decision to quit early that morning out of embarrassment for the poor sister.


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