Just to let you know that your information did not go un noticed. I will have to come back and take time to read that.
Thank you for posting.
question about 'sealed book"
by bite me 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
bite me
We must establish an ideal order of things in which we can see God's perfect plan being executed in a timely manner.
I have dates : 7 BC and 2 BC any Messiah who would come with the best teachings by came in 9 BC I would flatly reject his claims ! I would go by time limits - a timeline that is based on the Bible.Any person born outside the dates 7 BC and 2 BC would be disqualified by me .
So we can see what the established timeline means in overall picture of salvation by God Yahweh.God Yahweh - GOD --- Jesus Christ - God - 144000 servants as gods .And we must identify the timeframe for Christ and his 144000 followers and through them God Yahweh leads people to salvation.
You have to have the strict timeline to point the Bible is applicable to our times as I can easily prove from the Bible it was written for the people that lived up to the year 106 AD ! I mean the Holy Writings that were in circulation back then.
This thread has attracted the loonies!
Regarding the quote on the first post: that is a good quote to use when JWs say that they don't claim to be god's only mouthpiece....
This has to be a peculiar chronology that is secret to most people of the world like codes in the army are being established.
What is important to me is how in the world the Watchtower who is so criticized by so many people came up with the chronology that my independent calculations confirm ?! I am not from the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses and I use Luke 9.49-50 exactly in our times as happening to prove God's Salvation Plan and that we live in the end-times.
I am using a special formula of 666 as 6+6+6 in the form as 18 years and its reversal when read from right to the left in the Hebrew .
18 -- 81 BC - 18 years = 63 BC 63 BC (6x3=18)
63 BC - 26 or 28 years for God's numerical value of His name.
63 BC - 26 years = 37 BC 63 BC - 28 years = 35 BC The average date is 36 BC ( 3x6=18)
36 BC - 18 years = 18 BC + 46 years as per John 2.20 = 29 AD (2x9=18)
29 AD - 33 AD - 36 AD ( 3x6= 18 ) 29 AD - 18 years = 11 AD 11 AD - 18 years = 8 BC
81 BC - 11 AD = 91 years 1920 AD ( 2x9-18) + 91 years = 2011 AD
Check the publication : Babylon the Great Has Fallen at the back for the chronology the Watchtower gives there for the period 81 BC-36 AD which dates they have .
The dates : 1037 BC -1034 BC - 1027 BC - 607 BC - 537 BC - 1914 AD - 1984 AD - 1991 AD - 1994 AD = 3030 years
Each day of a symbolic week has 1010 years as we can conclude from the past !
4027 BC + 6060 years = 2034 AD + 1000 years + 10 years = 3044 AD 4027 BC + " 7 days" or 7070 years = 3044 AD
437 BC + 420 years which is "7 Times " = 37 BC 435 BC + 420 years which is "7 times " = 35 BC
30 or 35 years can be added to make up for the time delay in the Jewhish prophetic calendar : 37 BC + 30 years = 7 BC
37 BC + 35 years = 2 BC.
70 weeks of Daniel 9.24 can like this one: 457 BC-455 BC - the average date is 456 BC + 70 weeks as 420 years + 35 years + 70 years = 70 AD
Homerovah the Almighty
OBVES take your meds. and get off the forum....please !
agree with Homerovah the mighty. Jedi Master.
It is they'e own doctrine and they think only thye will be saved. That was one of my big complaints, just before I left.
It is you're heart condition that matters and only God can judge or Jesus. Not man.