Thanks Flipper, I figured that the number would be very high, but I didn't know that it was 100%. So how can any JW, elder, parent, grandparent, not get irate over this stance of the WT, when these sorry excuses for humans confess?
I have read here on JWD, that they have allowed elders to stay in position even. Totally crazy!!! Jehovah's spirit? Yeah, right.
Maybe there are hundreds of elders who really disagree, but know that they can't verbalize it, for fear of not questioning the Society. Yet, here it is again, they aren't thinking beyond the box, to realize that asking of that one question, and getting in trouble for it, is a HUGE red flag that this is a cult! H/L
My blood pressure goes up, every time I get involved with this subject. Well, not only my BP, I just can't wrap my brain around this whole stance that they take. There are many intelligent JW's. Why can't they just open their eyes? My father being one. But I don't dare brooch the subject.