Anyone here collect foreign currency as a hobby?

by AK - Jeff 16 Replies latest social physical

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I would like to begin a collection - but I am not sure the best resources so that I don't get ripped off. Anyone know of a forum that discusses this hobby? I did a Google and the category is so broad I don't know where to start.

    Ideas anyone?


  • sweetface2233

    Not sure, but I have a quite a few lunies and tunies that I would gladly exchange for you American $.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Not sure, but I have a quite a few lunies and tunies that I would gladly exchange for you American $.

    Ok with me. I am PMing my email addy. Jeff

  • Rapunzel

    Jeff - I do! I do! I collect foreign currencies, old and new. Psst! Have I got a deal for you! If you want, I'll exchange old Turkish lira for American dollars. If you give me $10,000 U.S., I'll give you 10,000 old Turkish lira. This is a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But act now, the offer soon expires

  • Layla33

    I am really trying to collect Euros, not so much as a hobby, but I could go for it, I haven't read too much about where to actually get them though. With the way the dollar is falling, foreign currency may come in handy.

  • ninja

    I've got 50,000 new iraqi dinars......just you will be worth $100 one day........muhahahahahahahah

  • Leolaia

    I used to collect foreign candy bars as a hobby. I still have my collection in the freezer!

  • ninja

    just eat them woman....I want you to change your name to ....fat leo

  • SacrificialLoon

    You could get a 5 million mark note, or some other ridiculous size note from the Weimar Republic era of Germany.

  • Leolaia

    Ha, in your dreams....I'm not even sure if they are still good -- I started the collection back in '99.

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