The end of the end- your thoughts?

by JimmyPage 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • outofthebox

    Why do something that harss when you can milk the people forever? The end will never come, not while there is some money left in the JWs pockets.

  • shell69

    I'll take whatever comes my way on the chin.

    at least I die free.


  • bigmouth

    Well, it seems all cyclic to me.

    I see the same loaded language and sense of urgency that the WT have used since the 1970's.

    They will be able to do this for a long time with a turnover rate of over 60% and the remainder too stuck or too comfortable.

    There are hundreds of thousands for whom this is fresh news.

  • jamiebowers

    Also what do you think of the past two year texts- "Obey God as ruler rather than men" and "Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah"?

    I think they should follow their own admonitions and turn over the pedophiles in their ranks and pay the victims for their trouble. They should also dissolve the blood and disfellowshipping issues entirely.

  • parakeet

    It's the same crap they've been dishing out for the better part of a century. Armageddon is just around the corner, yadda yadda. Maybe the WTS will call all the faithful to their farm in upstate NY and have a big party featuring a special "Red Sea" fruit punch to celebrate the end of the end.

  • WTWizard

    Actually I would rather see a Jonestown ending or having them walk out with the money than having them aggressively usurp control of the governments and start the Second Dark Ages. True, people will die, either from the Kool-Aid or by suicide, and people's lives will still be ruined. However, we would be spared a global Dark Ages. And that would be the end, permanently, of that cult.

  • jaguarbass

    It sounds to me like they are preparing the cool aid.

    Just think if they keep missfiring, being total failures at bible prophecy sooner or latter there going to bring the cool aid out.

  • OnTheWayOut
  • chickpea

    along the line of already stated thoughts

    They will be able to do this for a long time with a turnover rate of over 60% and the remainder too stuck or too comfortable.

    There are hundreds of thousands for whom this is fresh news.

    same kool-aid, different cups

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