I was at the eye doctor yesterday, after an emergency room visit. I had an injury to my eye, fortunately minor, and my doctor wanted to examine it. Two witnesses were in the office waiting room and spotted me right away. I was wearing dark glasses but as soon as I got inside I took them off. My eye was bloodshot and I was in pain but they wanted to start asking me if I attended the Memorial. Can you believe the nerve? Do they stop and think about people's feelings? No wonder a lot of people tell them off out in the ministry. No, I didn't go to the Memorial and I wasn't going to talk about it when I felt like my eye was going to fall out! Just had to share that...
Some JW's are sooooo inconsiderate...
by rache31 17 Replies latest jw friends
Similar thing happened to my friend who did not attend memorial.
They were more worried that he did not attend memorial than they were for the state of his health - he has prostate cancer
C'est le vie
Good that they got to the important stuff. Jesus was all business too. Right?
I know exactly what you mean!
I'm pregnant and I met two JWs who used to know me. They kept mentioning armageddon all the time. Anyway, half way through the conversation, I mentioned that I'm pregnant. They didn't smile they just said "oh". No congratulations, no questions, no smile.
Then they had the audacity to mention armageddon again and how the birds will eat the corpses. I kid you not.
Open mind
You folks just aren't "spiritual" enough to see the big picture.
If you don't wake up and get back to the K Hall, your eyeball or cancer or having a child means nothing. They (maybe) truly love you. Your eternal life is on the line.
The crass rudeness in these kinds of situations doesn't even begin to register with some true-believing JWs. The sad part is, their actions really make sense to them.
Glad I woke up.
I hear tell that some non JWs and even exJWs are inconsiderate too.
Sirona, congratulations on your pregnancy. That's exciting! IP_SEC, I hear ya...
My response to your post: How is your eye, and when are you due?
Most witnesses or at least imo and experience don't really have a clue when it comes really realizing what certain situations entail. they are so wrapped in the carrot stick they don't really get it in real life. I had the same thing happen to me, had very serious operation and all they were concerned about was that I make the meetings, not how I felt or anything having to do with my present physical and mental situation.
And I wonder about those that think it's not spiritual if they skip field circus for a day if they are having a heart attack. I had one die like that in my former congregation--of a heart attack while getting ready for field circus. What a waste of life.