I am kinda split...
In my Dad's (SB) family girls are great, boys while loved and appreciated for carrying on the family name are expected to do at least one really stupid thing that will live in infamy through-out the next 100years of family tales. ( My brother's....had a party cleaned up real good but forgot to take out the kitchen trash filled with alcohol containers...he was 15 at the time)
My mom's generally believes all children are a blessing. However she married a JW that hated females. So in my immediate household I was treated as worthless, only to be married off as soon as possible while my other brother could do no wrong (especially since all the wrongs were committed while hanging out with prominate ElderKids)
This sort of split also occured in my two main KHs growing up. The first loved kids, the Elder in charge of Kids encouraged us to go to Bethel for 2 years then pursue college degrees that could be a service to Bethel later in our lives. He was convinced that I was lawyer material and encouraged me to think critically and be bold without fear. The next KH hate girls as much as my then stepfather. Only prospects for a girl in that KH, marriage at 18.