Bookstudy and the United Nations

by bud2114 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • bud2114

    Wondering if anyone else is taking advantage of the subject matter being covered these past few weeks at the bookstudy (Revelation Climax Book) regarding religion's association with the blasphemous scarlet colored wild beast (UN organization)? This week especially does the book get into religion's "heinous" involvement with the UN with the WT Society's writers even sarcasticly poking fun at other religions who have supported the UN.

    I, for one, have been taking full advantage of this grand opportunity to "witness" to as many J-dubs as possible about the WT Society's secret 10 year involvement with the UN and subsequent coverup. I live in the mid-south among the some of the the most staunchly loyal, but mostly naive and sadly uninformed witnesses around. I have talked to elders, pioneers, ex bethelites, and I have yet to find a single person who has heard anything about it. Talk about a "revelation," you should see the look of disbelief and concern on their faces. The great thing about this is that you can subtly bring up the subject in general conversation about the bookstudy and before you know it you can drop the bomb. If your like me and doing a slow fade (for the sake of family) just act concerned and in disbelief yourself and you wont blow your cover. I say let's all not miss out on this grand opportunity.

  • caballoSentado

    Please, could you tell as more?
    Caballo Sentado

  • ChattyCathie

    Hi Caballo,

    Have a search around on this Forum. I am sure there was a thread on this a few weeks ago, with some good links.

    Maybe somebody else can help


  • jonathan adabe
    jonathan adabe

    Search in Google for 'jehovah's witnesses and united nations' and you will be swamped with info re JW's and United Nations. A young JW couple (male + female aged about 20) came to my door recently and I asked their view on the Governing Body signing up with the United Nations as an NGO, especially in view of the Society's belief that the UN is a key part of Satan's Organization. They were totally unaware of that event! They felt I had some mis-information, as the Society would not become involved in such an Organization as the UN. They were a very pleasant couple, but Oh how unaware they were of what goes on behind the scenes.

  • jonathan adabe
    jonathan adabe

    I am surprised that present JW's are studying 'Revelation-Its Grand Climax', especially in view of the recent disclosure that the Society had been a signed-up member of the United Nations for 10 years. A quote from the study book:- "The UN is actually a blasphemous counterfeit of God's Messianic Kingdom....". The UN is called much worse in other Watchtower literature. The Society show double standards when years before the Society condemned Malawi Witnesses if they held a 'political party card'. Those poor Witnesses obeyed the Society's injunction against 'party cards' and they suffered terrible persecution. I bet that today's Witnesses in Malawi are not informed of the Society's membership of the UN!

  • logic&reason

    It never works out for me when I try to let people know about the NGO involvment. If you slip it into a conversation, all you get is a canned relpy like: "Where did you hear that?" which leads to another reply of: "That's just apostate propaganda."

    I am still undercover, so I cannot tell anyone how much research I have done, and that I know it is fact, so it just gets brushed aside.

    It is difficult to sit through a bookstudy and listen to all of the mis-information and manufactured history in the Revelation book.

  • MeneMene

    Here is a recent thread with an excellent experience -

  • logic&reason

    I just read the post... There are no updates after 3/20. I wonder what happened.

  • Alpaca

    The NGO affiliation of the Borg is one of their most reprehensible acts. The bastards have blood on their hands.

    Years ago (1970s) there were untold numbers of Malawian Dubs who were executed for following the directives of the Borg to not buy a 25 cent political affiliation card.

    The Borg leadership is truly living a life of delusion thinking that they can do no wrong.

    I have been out for almost 11 years so I can't really do anything to contribute to enlightening Dubs about the NGO scandal, but I hope that any of the active Dubs who are posting here or just lurking and reading on this site take Bud's suggestion seriously. The Borg needs to be held accountable for their duplicity and deception.

    Good luck with the undertaking you guys. Please keep us updated on any success that comes from the effort.

    All the best to everyone,


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    This information can't simply be dismissed as 'apostate propoganda'. It can actually be found under the NGO section of the official UN website. Their is a reply letter posted there in response to the floods of letters they received from witnesses when the story broke.

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