I followed Dawg's post to Limbaugh's site and got a kick out of this:
Peace, 5thThe Clintons
by 5thGeneration 10 Replies latest jw friends
Stop with the Clinton bashing already! PLEASE!!! Hillary isn't my favorite person, but Bill did more for this country than he gets credit for. Unfortunately most of the good he did has been undone by the braying jackass that currently occupies the white house. -Potential
I love how the Bush bashing always starts when anyone makes fun of the Clintons even though the post has nothing to do with him.
Just my 2 cents worth....I thought Bill Clinton was a good president, when he left office the economy was in good shape and we were not in the 6th year of a senseless war.
His morals in my opinion were that of an alley cat, his private life left much to be desired but he was a good president.
I agree that he was a a pretty good President. Extracurricular activities aside.
So start a Bush bashing thread then. That'll be fun too. I'm an equal opportunity basher. Anyone want to bring up Bertie Ahern?
If Clinton was still president, I'd be retired instead of having to work for another 10 years to straighten out the Bushwacking.
Where I come from guys get blow jxbs. Its something to be proud of.
Only the perverted bible thumpers that put W. in office think its a bad thing.
When Clinton lied, no one died.
I found this article interesting, especially in light of the company they keep within the Counsil on Foreign Relations and The Bilderberg group.
littlerockguy, thanks for the article. I did notice something weird was going on when Bush (father) and Bill Clinton were doing fundraisers together, wtf. Yup, were screwed.